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Ambassador Jones Receives Golden Jubilee Award PM Hopeful Following Successful UN Resolution on Tax
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Ambassador Jones Receives Golden Jubilee Award

By Delvardo EmmanuelJournal Staff Writer Bahamas Ambassador to the United States Wendall Jones was among the manyBahamians who received the Golden Jubilee Independence Award for theiroutstanding service to the country.“It is an honour for me to be honoured by the government and people of TheBahamas for the Golden Jubilee of The Bahamas. I have been […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

PM Hopeful Following Successful UN Resolution on Tax

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer At the beginning of the week, Prime Minister Philip Davis, in a written statement, applaudedthe recent passage of a United Nations (UN) resolution that calls for the creation of anintergovernmental committee open to all United Nations member states with a bureau ofapproximately 20 members, elected with gender and regional […]

Minister Wants Help For At Risk Youth

30 November 2018

“Youth at Risk: Lessons Learned Towards a Trauma Informed Community – the theme of yesterday morning’s symposium, hosted by The Crisis Centre in partnership with The National Child Protection Council. Bringing opening remarks was Social Services Minister, Frankie Campbell, who reminded participants that trauma is no stranger to many, which is why help is so […]

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Thousaunds Off The BPL Grid

30 November 2018

The number of people who have fallen behind in paying their electricity bill and have consequently had their power cut off is in the thousands. This  matter according to  Minister of Works Desmond Bannister  warrants serious concern. An island by island look at the figures show that in Abaco, there were 58 customers with a […]

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28 November 2018

Consultant Physicians employed  by the Public Hospitals Authority are on strike. The group of about 120 senior doctors made good on the results of  the  October strike poll and withdrew their services. Consultant Physician Staff Association President Dr. Locksley Munroe’s said this stems from issues dating back to 2016. “We submitted our templates up to […]

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Junior Doctors support CPSA

28 November 2018

Standing in solidarity with the Consultant Physicians in their strike action,  The Bahamas Doctors Union  President Dr. Melisanda Bassette said they have actually been in talks with the CPSA to ensure that emergency health care services are not withdrawn. “We will support our consultants in ensuring that they are duly compensated for the hard work […]

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Opposition Calls Doctors Strike “Regrettable”  

28 November 2018

The leader of the official Opposition, Philip Davis  calls  the strike action taken by  Consultant Physicians “regrettable.” In a press statement he said, “Doctors should not have to take to industrial action to get the full attention of the government. “We in the PLP appreciate the care that has been taken by the Doctors to […]

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28 November 2018

The Bahamas Union of Teachers (BUT) yesterday announced that a letter requesting a strike vote has been sent to the Minister of Labor, marking the first step towards industrial action. This occurred after nearly six months of unanswered complaints and no action from the Ministry of Education.  Acting union President Joan Knowles Turnquest said the […]

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Abaco Couple Remanded

28 November 2018

An Abaconian couple could very well be spending both Christmas and Valentine’s Day behind bars. Warren Ellis, 43, and April Dawkins-Ellis, 36, of Central Pines Abaco are accused of one count each of removing the proceeds of crime and attempting to export restricted goods. It is alleged that the couple was found with over $13,000 […]

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Amendment To Fisheries Laws Proposed

27 November 2018

An  amendment to the Fisheries Act may be before Parliament by the end of the year, with stiffer penalties included for illegal poachers.  Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources, Michael Pintard revealed as much yesterday, when he spoke with reporters on the sideline of the opening of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the […]

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American resident forfeits $52k

27 November 2018

An American man was yesterday charged with failing to declare $11,440 in U.S. currency. The 43-year-old Chicago resident was arraigned before Chief Magistrate, Joyann Ferguson-Pratt, after authorities found him with $51,440, only declaring $40,000. The father of three – who came to The Bahamas on vacation with his wife, children and their baby sitter claimed […]

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27 November 2018

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis yesterday sat among several Caribbean leaders attending the IMF/World Bank and IDB conference in Washington D.C. to address the issue of building resilience to disasters and climate change in the region.  In his address, Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis said, like many other Caribbean countries, disasters in the Bahamas can […]

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