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Treasure Cay Returns To “Glory” With $177 Million Investment LANDMARK $600M AGREEMENT SIGNED TO REVITALIZE GRAND BAHAMA SHIPYARD
Prime Minister Philip Davis

Treasure Cay Returns To “Glory” With $177 Million Investment

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis was on Abaco this week to sign an agreement thatwould ultimately help that island take another significant step in thecontinued growth and development following the devastation of HurricaneDorian in September 2019.The government signed an agreement with GreenPointe Holdings LLC that isexpected to revitalize Treasure Cay […]

The government signed a Heads of Agreement with Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International on Thursday.  This agreement marks the approval of a long-planned project to expand and revitalize the Grand Bahama Shipyard, with a $600 million investment dedicated to the construction of new drydocks and improvements to the facilities in Freeport.  This expansion will position the shipyard to feature the largest floating dock ship repair facility in the Western Hemisphere by 2026, significantly boosting the island's economy.


The government signed a Heads of Agreement with Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International on Thursday.  This agreement marks the approval of a long-planned project to expand and revitalize the Grand Bahama Shipyard, with a $600 million investment dedicated to the construction of new drydocks and improvements to the facilities in Freeport.  This expansion will position […]

Dames Police Victimization

07 March 2019

National Security Minister Marvin Dames  has disputed the Opposition’s claim that a senior police officer is being victimisized. Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip Davis yesterday charged that a letter from The Office of The Prime Minister has instructed Assistant Commissioner of Police Clarence Reckley to take vacation, after which retirement. In addition to  Reckley, Deputy […]

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07 March 2019

The Democratic National Alliance’s (DNA) newly appointed Chairman Omar Smith yesterday urged the government to remove a “blemish” from an FBI probe into potential bribery and corruption with the Bahamas Department of Immigration.  In a release issued yesterday, Mr. Smith said that Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest expressed shock after the […]

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Congress Provides Hope for Death Penalty Abolition

07 March 2019

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – The global call to end the death penalty was made as the 7th World Congress Against the Death Penalty opened its conference in Brussels, Belgium last Wednesday, with hopes of moving closer to the universal abolition of the death penalty. In his address at the opening ceremony, Together Against the Death Penalty […]

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Englerston MP concerned about police lag

06 March 2019

The Opposition’s spokesman on National Security Glenys Hanna-Martin has  expressed concern over the police’s apparent lag in the reporting of apparent kidnappings. This  follows the case reported this past Sunday where  a male abducted a child from a home on Wilton Street. The child was found by a passerby a short time later walking in […]

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06 March 2019

The Opposition Progressive Liberal Party  is claiming that a senior Police Officer has been victimized by the government.  Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Clarence Reckley  has  been  instructed to take vacation following which,  early retirement. According to Opposition Leader, Philip Davis, the instructions were sent from The Office of The Prime Minister. He said, “I […]

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Bahamas looking to eradicate HIV

06 March 2019

News that HIV has been deemed undetectable in a London patient following a stem cell transplant is landmark – after all, it is  only the second such case.  However as Health Minister Dr. Duane Sands  said  to reporters outside Cabinet yesterday, it  is certainly not ready for what he called “ primetime.” “It’s certainly not […]

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Death Penalty Project Targets Bahamas

06 March 2019

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM – The World Coalition Against The Death Penalty has embarked on a regional death penalty reform project in the Eastern Caribbean and plans to seek the involvement of The Bahamas.  The project is in partnership with organizations such as the Death Penalty Project, Greater Caribbean for Life and the World Coalition. The project […]

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$18Mil For WSC Wastewater Treatment Plant

06 March 2019

The Water and Sewerage Corporation (WSC)  has embarked on a $18 million rehabilitation of small pumping stations and the construction of several Waste Treatment Plants and Pumping Stations in New Providence. “The main benefit of a centralized sewer collection and treatment system is the reduction in the number of septic tanks and outside toilets,  thus […]

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Police Walkabout Kicks Off Police Month

04 March 2019

The Royal Bahamas Police Force  has begun a month of activities with  walkabouts  in  communities in New Providence  with members of the Bahamas  Christian Council as well as the media. The walkabout takes place in various inner-city areas like Bain and Grants Town, Englerston, Fox Hill, Free Town, Nassau Village, and Carmichael. Police Commissioner Anthony […]

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04 March 2019

 Some Members of Parliament  this past weekend  were rushing to conform with the law  and meet the deadline on public disclosure.  It is unclear whether all Free National Movement (FNM) parliamentarians have met the March 1st   deadline, according to FNM Chairman Carl Culmer who spoke  yesterday in a telephone conversation with The Journal.  The […]

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