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Ambassador Jones Receives Golden Jubilee Award PM Hopeful Following Successful UN Resolution on Tax
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Ambassador Jones Receives Golden Jubilee Award

By Delvardo EmmanuelJournal Staff Writer Bahamas Ambassador to the United States Wendall Jones was among the manyBahamians who received the Golden Jubilee Independence Award for theiroutstanding service to the country.“It is an honour for me to be honoured by the government and people of TheBahamas for the Golden Jubilee of The Bahamas. I have been […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

PM Hopeful Following Successful UN Resolution on Tax

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer At the beginning of the week, Prime Minister Philip Davis, in a written statement, applaudedthe recent passage of a United Nations (UN) resolution that calls for the creation of anintergovernmental committee open to all United Nations member states with a bureau ofapproximately 20 members, elected with gender and regional […]

EDITORIAL The Cost Of War And Peace

13 October 2023

Thousands of miles away from The Bahamas, war broke out again over the last week between Palestinians in Gaza and Israel.  This is very sad for humanity.  These are difficult and dangerous times in which we live. At the onset, we condemn Hamas for the atrocities committed when they hunted civilians, taking hostages and killed […]

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Hon. Chester Cooper

Residents Reject Atlantis Seaplane Operation

13 October 2023

BY DESTINY JOHNSON Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism Investments and Aviation ChesterCooper said the country has a great democracy after residents at a town hall meetingTuesday night rejected Atlantis’ plans to establish a seaplane operation in MontaguBay to facilitate day excursions to the Family Islands.The plan was for the ferry boat to transport […]

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The remains of the Late Hon. Obie Wilchcombe Laid in State this week prior to his State Funeral held on Thursday, 12th October at Christ Church Cathedral.  Prime Minister the Hon. Philip Davis is photoraphed signing the Book of Condolence.

Politicians Pay Respects to Beloved Cabinet Minister

13 October 2023

By Delvardo EmmanuelJournal Staff Writer Dignitaries said their final goodbyes as the body of the late Member of Parliament for WestGrand Bahama and Bimini and Cabinet Minister Obediah Hercules Wilchcombe lied-in-state inthe foyer of the House of Assembly on Wednesday.Governor General Cynthia Pratt, Prime Minister Philip Davis, along with Cabinet ministers, andmembers of parliament, past […]

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PLP Chairman Hon. Fred Mitchell

Bahamas Calls for Cessation in Israel-Hamas War –Bahamians Attempting to Flee Israel

13 October 2023

By Licec BastianJournal Staff Writer The Bahamas does not have a diplomatic presence in Israel, according to ForeignAffairs Minister Fred Mitchell, but Israel has a responsibility to protect non-citizens.The minister said as much as he confirmed, with reporters this past Wednesday, thatthere are still two Bahamians in Israel, caught up in that volatile Israel-Palestinianwar.Minister Mitchell […]

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The Bahamas Serves as Hosts to the 17 th Caribbean Week ofAgriculture

13 October 2023

By: Keile Campbell Prime Minister Philip Davis, gave the keynote address at the opening ceremony forCaribbean Week of Agriculture (CWA) which took place Tuesday morning atSuperclub Breezes Resort.The importance of food security and how it remains an issue for almost everycountry in the Caribbean region was underlined by many who spoke, includingPrime Minister Davis who […]

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OKX’s Chief Innovation Officer Feels Crypto Sector Needs To Improve Education Efforts

13 October 2023

By: Keile CampbellAt financial tech event D3 Bahamas on behalf of cryptocurrency exchange OKX, whoopened their Bahamas-branch office in the capital last month, Chief InnovationOfficer Jason Lau believes that the crypto industry has not done enough to educate theaverage person as it concerns crypto technology.“I think we have a long way to go. I’ll be […]

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Outstanding Bahamians Receive Nations Honours

13 October 2023

By: Keile Campbell Great contributors and catalysts of The Bahamas were celebrated on Monday asthe country celebrated National Heroes Day.At Government House, the National Honors Investiture took place whereBahamians of previous generations – including posthumously, received varioushonours commemorated with a plaque given by Governor-General Cynthia Pratt.Chairman of the National Honors Advisory Committee Fred Mitchell spoke […]

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Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Prime Minister Philip Davis says The Bahamas ‘pioneering’ will continue in digital asset sector

13 October 2023

By: Keile CampbellPrime Minister Philip Davis gave remarks at the financial tech conference event D3Bahamas, and expanded on the nation’s involvement in fintech as well as what to expect forits future in the sector.The prime minister spoke of The Bahamas’ pioneering and innovation in digital assets,particularly the passing of the Digital Assets and Registered Exchanges […]

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PLP Chairman Hon. Fred Mitchell

Mitchell Pleased With Central Bank Extension On Cheque Elimination

13 October 2023

BY GERRINO J. SAUNDERS In recent months Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Fred Mitchell who also has theresponsibility for Foreign Affairs has been openly critical of the Central Bank of TheBahamas (Central Bank) and its quest towards a cashless and cheque-free society. TheMinister has described the push to eliminate cash and cheques as a “fools’ errand.”Just […]

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Fifth Suicide Attempt In A Month — Teen cuts wrists and legs following argument.

13 October 2023

By: Licec Bastian A teenage girl is in hospital being treated for self-inflicting wounds in an allegedsuicide attempt police said on Tuesday.The 14-year-old, who resides in a local housing facility was found shortly after 7:00p.m. on Monday when attendants in that facility were making routine checks. The teenwas found with abrasions to her wrists and […]

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