Archive | April, 2017

Bahamians Too Late

Hours after the “election bell” had rung yesterday scores of Bahamians including students from overseas attempted to register a day after the deadline. Officials from the Parliamentary Registration Department told The Bahama Journal that such individuals were turning up with those hopes up to after 11a.m. The Bahama Journal spoke to Bahamians of varying demographics, […]

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Sandilands Employee Receives BTVI Scholarship

Celebrating Occupational Therapy Month and recognizing the hard work and accomplishments of one of its staff, the Sandilands Rehabilitation Centre (SRC) in conjunction with the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) offered one of SRC’s dedicated, long serving employees, Ruth Bowe-Dean with a well-deserved scholarship. Mrs. Bowe-Dean, who founded SRC’s beauty salon over 30 years […]

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Mitchell says Minnis unfit for position

Amidst allegations that he along with the Progressive Liberal Party(PLP) have given out citizenships left right and center to win the elections, Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell says the claims are libelous, defamatory and there are costs for   engaging in such activity.   “I have six years to bring an action in defamation. […]

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Minnis : PLP Rule Coming To An End

With 27 days left until general elections, Free National Movement Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis said a “new day” is coming under an FNM government.   Dr. Minnis was speaking at a press conference yesterday afternoon at the FNM headquarters on Mackey Street.   He highlighted instances of alleged corruption in the current administration and said […]

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General Elections May 10th

Prime Minister Perry Christie yesterday officially announced that the 2017 General Elections will be held on Wednesday May 10th, 2017, leaving Bahamians now with just 27 days before they head to the polls to decide who will be the next governing party.   In a very short statement made at the Office of the Prime […]

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“Don’t Turn Back the Clock”, Says Roberts

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chairman Bradley Roberts yesterday strongly urged Bahamians to vote PLP, charging that a vote for the “reactionary” Free National Movement (FNM) would be turning back the clock.   The PLP Chairman in a statement said the FNM is “hell bent” on cancelling any progress made by Bahamians during his party’s reign. […]

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Dames Calls Promotions A Sham

Former Deputy Commissioner and current Free National Movement candidate for Mt. Moriah Marvin Dames has called the recent slate of promotions and graduations in the uniform branches sector a sham.   In an interview The Journal on the sidelines of the Free National Movement press conference yesterday afternoon, Mr. Dames minced no words calling the […]

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Roberts: Peet “Wasting His Time”

Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts said he feels former PLP Cabinet Minister Vincent Peet is wasting his time in his independent bid for the seat in the Berry Islands and North Andros.   Over the weekend, Mr. Peet revealed that he would re- enter politics and offer himself up for election as an independent […]

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FNM Candidate Was “Disbarred”

Over the past few weeks, Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts has had several Free National Movement Candidates in his crosshairs. However yesterday he called out the party’s Secretary General Michael Foulkes for being disbarred from the Florida Bar.   Mr. Roberts was speaking to reporters at the Progressive Liberal Headquarters on Farrington Road.   […]

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Amidst numerous calls for debate among the country’s political leaders, Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Sidney Collie said if it is left up to him, his leader Dr. Hubert Minnis, would not engage in such a debate.   Mr. Collie’s statement comes in response to Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chairman Bradley Roberts’ request to have […]

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