Archive | November, 2018


The opposition Progressive Liberal Party  (PLP)  has once again upbraided  Bahamas Power and Light Chairman Dr. Donovan Moxey following his recent comments on the increase in electricity costs.  At the time, Mr. Moxey called out the PLP  for being irresponsible after charging that the hike was as high as some 70 per cent.  Besides, Dr […]

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They have remained quiet for weeks now, but members of  the Consultant Physician Staff Association (CPSA) have  by no means reneged on their  threat to strike amid longstanding grievances with the Public Hospital’s Authority (PHA). Health Minister, Dr. Duane Sands, said he finds this somewhat disappointing considering the PHA has engaged the CPSA and two […]

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Cabinet Tours Fusion Superplex

The Cabinet of the Bahamas  spent some time yesterday  touring the $50 million Fusion Superplex, ahead of its much anticipated soft opening later this month. Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis said he is more than impressed with the complex and is proud that it is Bahamian owned.  “What has me more impressed is that it’s […]

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The Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) yesterday responded off the heels of the Consultant Physicians Staff Association (CPSA) threatening to strike because of an unproductive meeting last week. In a release, The PHA said that it “wishes to reiterate for the record that the Authority has continued to negotiate in good faith with the CPSA, offering […]

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PM says tourism product needs diversification

The need to diversify the tourism product  was emphasized  during  Prime Minister Doctor Hubert Minnis’  address at the official opening of The Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountant’s week. The group heard how the number one industry has untapped potential and because of this, the government will create a tourism development corporation to help local entrepreneurs. […]

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For the first time in the country, the spotlight will be shown on males in observance of International Men’s Day. This is a decades-old initiative created to celebrate men’s contributions to society and to highlight concerns of the day.   This year, that will include  health, improving gender relations and promoting gender equality.  Committee member Terrence […]

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Former  Director of Immigration William Pratt is seeking any necessary means clearing his name from a visa fraud case and that may result in a full-fledged legal battle.  The  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)  makes allegations that  Mr. Pratt and Clarence Russell, the current Immigration Director   accepting bribes to provide Bahamian work permits and […]

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BICA On Fiscal Responsibility Council

The Bahamas Institute of Chartered Accountants (BICA), president Gowon Bowe, will have a seat on the Fiscal Responsibility Council, “a tremendous opportunity for BICA to demonstrably influence the fiscal fortunes of the country,” according to Prime Minister, Dr.  the Most Hon. Hubert Minnis. During the opening of Accountants’ Week under the theme: “Effectively Transitioning in […]

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The Straw Business Persons Society  is accusing the government of inhumane treatment of Straw Vendors and has outlined a litany of complaints.  The StrawVendorsare calling onthe PrimeMinister,Doctor Hubert A. Minnisand the Minister responsibleforthe Straw Market, Desmond Bannister,toassistinaddressing thismostpressing matterthataffectshundredsof Straw Vendors.  The Vendors accuse  Ms. Kelly Ingraham and the Straw Market Authority of removing and […]

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Minister Explains UWI Medical Students’ Scholarships

Minister of Health Doctor  Duane Sands says the government has to rethink the paradigm  regarding healthcare professionals in the country. He  said there has been tremendous discussion about the government’s decision to raise questions of the 65 first-year medical students presenting themselves for matriculation on the University of the West Indies (UWI) Campuses earlier this […]

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