Archive | October, 2017

McCartney Is Out of Politics

Branville McCartney is officially out of politics as he stepped down from leader of the Democratic National Alliance (DNA) on Tuesday.   In his farewell speech McCartney thanked his party’s executives, candidates and constituency supporters as he said they have all made his journey more rewarding.   “I thank you for believing in me when […]

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Among charges of sabotage from some delegates and supporters, chaos and pandemonium broke out at the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) convention, as the voting process for party officers ran eight hours over its scheduled time. Some 1,700 delegates had to vote, which was a 21 per cent increase from the leadership race in January this year. […]

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GB To Become Technology Hub

Grand Bahamians will begin to see a boost in their economy, as promised, by next month according to Press Secretary Anthony Newbold. He made the announcement yesterday during a press briefing at the Office of the Prime Minister.   Referencing the Speech from the Throne, Mr. Newbold said that this initiative begins to answer the […]

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Evidence of the horrific murder of eight year old Eugene Woodside Jr which shocked the nation back in September might be heard soon, as a man was brought before the Chief Magistrate court on two counts of murder yesterday.   Lloyd Minnis of Coral Harbour allegedly committed the crime along with the killing of Dennis […]

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A lucky University of the Bahamas (UB) student was the first recipient of the Island Luck/ Island Luck Cares (IL Cares) Foundation endowed scholarship yesterday, receiving $35 thousand dollars to complete her studies. Arnesha Frazer, a junior studying accounting, is the first person in her immediate family to attend a University. Expressing her gratitude Ms. […]

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Senator Sweeting Says PLP Will Emerge Stronger

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Senator Clay Sweeting says a ‘New Perspective and the day of reckoning’ has come for the party and that only from learning three lessons that contributed to the downfall of the party at the May 10th General Election will the party see change. Addressing the delegates in the 53rd annual convention […]

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“THE PLP IS COMING IN 2022,” Says Senator

Progressive Liberal Party Senator Jobeth Coleby Davis electrified the crowd with the statement “We Coming for You in 2022” which was directed at all seats lost in the May 10th general election.   Davis Coleby was one of six speakers at night two of the convention which focused on various areas that the Progressive Liberal […]

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Former Senator says PLP must focus on branches

Speaking on the theme of “reconnecting”, Former Senator Robyn Lynes admonished the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) to get back to basics.   She said in order to do so, it must take a step backward and that starts with the people.   “We have to recognize and honor the power of our branches and empower our […]

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PLP Must Change, Says South Andros MP

“Rebuilding trust and the ‘old ways of doing things must change’ is what Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) needs to do in order regain the confidence of the Bahamian people,” says   Member of Parliament for Mangrove Cay and South Andros, Picewell Forbes. He told the party’s 53rd convention last night that politicians work for the […]

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PLP Headquarters To Be Transformed

MP Philip Davis said The Progressive Liberal Party will modernize their headquarters.   Davis said the PLP is charting a new course of action for change within the Progressive Liberal Party and that starts with transforming the party’s National Headquarters into a fully operational ‘Battle Station,’ to ensure it becomes modernized and retooled, making it […]

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