Archive | February, 2017

7 murders in 72 hours, CFJ President says something must be done

Another male became the country’s latest murder victim as the murder count nears 30 following an altercation near a nightclub early Monday morning. Police officials say the man was shot near a business establishment near Saunders Beach, West Bay Street and succumbed to his injuries hours later in hospital. A suspect is currently assisting police […]

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A Recusal Application

By P.J. Malone Now that you understand the basis for the judicial review (from the last two Clifton Review articles “What A Hullabaloo” and “Hullabaloo Part II”) that Save The Bays brought against the Government of The Bahamas through their attorney and Director, Fred Smith, let’s get into some of the nitty gritty; first, here’s […]

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Two Dead After Shooting In Grand Bahama

Grand Bahama police are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of two males yesterday. The particulars are that sometime around 1:00 a.m. yesterday police were called to the Logwood Road Area, where they discovered the body of two males with gunshot wounds. Emergency Medical Services (EMS) personnel were called to the scene shortly thereafter. Medical […]

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Sentence Upheld For Bostwick

The Court of Appeal has affirmed a Magistrate’s Court conviction and sentence of attorney John Bostwick. Bostwick was convicted last year connection of ammunition found in his bag at the Grand Bahama International Airport and was fined $15,000. The incident, which occurred on May 17, 2014, forced Bostwick to resign as an Opposition senator. During […]

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Caribbean Marketplace Opens with Bahamian flair

The much anticipated Caribbean travel marketplace opened with grand fanfare on Tuesday night at the Grand Ballroom at Atlantis Hotel and Resort.   Organized in partnership with The Bahamas Ministry of Tourism, Nassau and Paradise Island Promotion Board, Paradise Island Tourism Development Association and The Bahamas Hotel & Tourism Association, The Bahamas laid out the […]

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FOI Bill Debated

Marathon Member of Parliament (MP) Jerome Fitzgerald yesterday touted the long awaited Freedom of Information (FOI) bill tabled in the Lower House of Parliament on Wednesday.   The Progressive Liberal Party administration has come under much criticism recently for the length of time it took for the legislation to be tabled.   The Bill for […]

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Debate Over VAT Intensifies

  In a heated exchange in the House of Assembly yesterday, Marathon Member of Parliament (MP) Jerome Fitzgerald sought to defend the government on the controversy surrounding its expenditure of value added tax (VAT).   Mr. Fitzgerald sounded off by stating that it does not take a rocket scientist to see where the VAT money […]

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Boy Convicted Of Gun Possession

A 12-year-old boy of A.F Adderley was yesterday convicted of possession of a 9mm pistol found on school premises Monday. The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge, and Chief Magistrate Joan Ferguson-Pratt said she was deeply moved by the case having the involvement of a minor at such a tender age. The chief magistrate […]

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70% Of Bahamians Living In The Deficit

The Chamber of Commerce Edison Sumner says Bahamians are still living in the deficit when it comes to savings.   “Statistically based on the Central Banks report we know that the savings accounts are very low in this country to almost non-existent a lot of people are living in the red where its literally living […]

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$2 Million Development To Provide Some 700 Jobs

Legislators in the House of Assembly yesterday also heard about the 2015 deal the government struck with Strategic Property Holding Limited and New World One Bay Street Limited for the $2 million Pointe Resort. Mr. Rolle did so acceding to Opposition Leader Loretta Butler-Turner’s request for the development’s heads of agreement to be tabled. At […]

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