Archive | September, 2016

St. Anne’s MP intends to keep seat

Free National Movement (FNM) St. Anne’s Member of Parliament (MP) Hubert Chipman said he intends to run come the May 2017 General Election should he be re-elected to do so. Over the last two weeks, a number of FNM MP’s announced their decisions not to run again. Among that bunch were Central Grand Bahama MP, […]

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$30 Million For Zika Fight

With The Bahamas having eight confirmed cases of Zika Virus and 83 suspected cases pending, officials from the Ministry of Tourism in conjunction with the Ministry of Health and the Department of Environment Health Services held an informational session yesterday at the British Colonial Hilton. Key stakeholders, as well as members of the public, were […]

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Teen Facing Conviction

Closing arguments in the case of what is now down to one teen accused of the December 9th murder of high school senior Adonai Wilson, were presented yesterday by Defense Attorney Murrio Ducille. Ducille urged the jury to be sure beyond a reasonable doubt when deciding whether his 18-year- old client is guilty. With his […]

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PM Perry Christie

PM: No Additional Concessions For Baha Mar Deal

As the controversy surrounding the Baha Mar deal continues, Prime Minister Perry Christie yesterday in The House of Assembly shot down claims that the government provided additional concessions to conclude that deal. Mr. Christie noted that most countries provide concessions to promote investment, and as such the country’s laws accommodate this practice for all investors. […]

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Neilly Will Not Seek Re-Election

Perhaps more fallout from the dissension in the internal ranks of the Free National Movement North Eleuthera MP Theo Neilly in an interview with The Journal revealed that he will not be seeking re-election in the upcoming general election. Mr. Neilly had indicated previously that he was leaning towards leaving the party but said he […]

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Four New Zika Cases Confirmed

Health officials have notified the Bahamian public that the number of confirmed cases of the Zika Virus in the country has risen by four bringing the countries confirmed Zika Virus total to eight. When probed to make comment on the news, Health Minister Dr. Perry Gomez said he could not comment on the issue at […]

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DNA Says “Unseal The Deal”

The prime minister and several other government ministers were greeted by a raucous protest in Rawson Square prior to yesterday’s House of Assembly session, led by Democratic National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney and roughly about 100 DNA supporters. The group holding placards that read “unseal the deal”, and “Christie is a liar” and chanted “we […]

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Customs Workers Owed Millions

Over 1,200 Customs and Immigration workers are allegedly owed almost $3.8 million by the government, according to Bahamas Customs Immigration and Allied Workers Union President Sloane Smith.  Mr. Smith says he believes the government is intentionally slacking on reaching an agreement with the union based on how they have been operating over the past few […]

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