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OPTIMISM IN HAITI Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill
haiti unrest


There is new hope for security in Haiti as countries around the world are pledging more support and funding to bring about peace and security in that Caribbean country.  The new Council there claims that the Haitian people are optimistic about the future.   The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged another $160 million in […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe said the NationalIntelligence Agency (NIA) Amendment Bill 2024 by the Davisadministration has breathed new life into the agency which is animportant arm of national security.Some of the major changes to the Bill include a change in name fromthe National Crime Intelligence Agency […]


25 January 2018

Potential investors, particularly of Fortune 500 companies are keen on investing in Grand Bahama.  This is the view of Prime Minister Doctor Hubert Minnis as he addressed  members of the Media yesterday upon his return from a promotional visit to the state of Texas. Dr, Minnis and his delegation  visited with the Governor of Texas […]

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PM Calls Houston Trip A Success

25 January 2018

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis touts trip to Texas a success saying that he is positive that that good will come out of the meeting held. “We had an opportunity to discuss both business opportunity with what we would term similar to the Chamber of Commerce in The Bahamas. “That grouping in Texas we met […]

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DPM Tables Travellers Currency BILL

25 January 2018

Debate on the Travellers currency declaration amendment bill began yesterday. The  legislation widens the scope of things that must be declared as well as how they should be declared upon exiting and entering the Bahamas. Apart from declaring in excess of $10,000, if passed, the bill  – would call for the declaration of precious stones, […]

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One Factor Of Success: Believing Nothing Is Impossible

24 January 2018

The Clifton Review The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless […]

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Striving for the Impossible

22 January 2018

The Clifton Review The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless […]

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Blaze Erupts At Thomas A Robinson Stadium

22 January 2018

Several Bleachers were extensively damaged yesterday as the Announcer’s booth at the old Thomas A. Robinson Stadium went up in flames. In an interview with The Journal, Fire Chief Superintendent Walter Evans said the exact cause of the blaze is yet to be determined, but the damage to the immediate area was extensive. “Shortly before […]

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PM announces ambitious program

22 January 2018

The Minnis Administration will continue to channel resources into areas such as education, healthcare, social development and economic opportunities for persons in the “Over The Hill”. Prime Minister Doctor Hubert A. Minnis made this commitment while addressing the 17th Jones Communications Network’s (JCN) Person of the Year and Civil Society Awards Ceremony last Friday at […]

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PM Receives JCN Person Of The Year Award

22 January 2018

Most Cabinet Ministers and a cross-section of the Bahamian society filed the Jones Communications Media Center Friday evening as the leading media company hosted its 17th annual Civil Society and Person of the Year Awards ceremony. The special event was created to honour Bahamians who have used “head, heart and hand” to make outstanding contributions […]

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New Solomon’s Food Store Opens

22 January 2018

AML Foods Limited officially opened its newest retail outlet Solomon’s Yamacraw on Sunday, which was developed at cost of $14.5 million . The 38,000 square-foot grocery store is located on Yamacraw Hill Road. Minister of State for Legal Affairs and Member of Parliament for Yamacraw, Ellsworth Johnson joined the company’s Board of Directors and the […]

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Lifeguard Missing At Sea

22 January 2018

Friends of 27-year-old Samuel Leroy Moss are pleading for information about his whereabouts. The Baha Mar lifeguard disappeared after purchasing a boat late last week. Sharvette Miller says that her close friend and former co-worker has been missing since last Sunday when he travelled to Fort Lauderdale to purchase a small fishing vessel with the […]

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