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OPTIMISM IN HAITI Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill
haiti unrest


There is new hope for security in Haiti as countries around the world are pledging more support and funding to bring about peace and security in that Caribbean country.  The new Council there claims that the Haitian people are optimistic about the future.   The U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledged another $160 million in […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

Govt. defends NIA 2024 amendment bill

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer The Minister of National Security Wayne Munroe said the NationalIntelligence Agency (NIA) Amendment Bill 2024 by the Davisadministration has breathed new life into the agency which is animportant arm of national security.Some of the major changes to the Bill include a change in name fromthe National Crime Intelligence Agency […]


30 April 2018

Freeport based Queens Counsel Maurice Glinton says  without a substantive Chief  Justice appointed, the Judiciary branch no longer serves as an independent branch of government.   Mr. Glinton has joined a large number of the members of The Bahamas Bar Association  who are agitating for  Prime Minister Doctor Hubert Minnis to  make the appointment under  the […]

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“ Spy Bill must not see the light,” Says Rights Bahamas

30 April 2018

Rights Bahamas once again urges the FNM government in the strongest of terms to permanently shelf its invasive and oppressive Spy Bill.  In a statement released yesterday, Rights Bahamas said, the citizens of the Bahamas, who cherish their freedom and jealousy guard their fundamental rights, do not need clandestine spy agencies invading their privacy. The […]

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30 April 2018

With the Minnis Administration’s one-year anniversary on the horizon, former Minister of Works Bradley Roberts expressed some of his major concerns this weekend as he called the Prime Minister a “dishonest bafoon”. Mr. Roberts outlined in a statement issued yesterday the government’s “corrupt” dealings with Oban where convicted felon Peter Kreiger signed for Satpal Dhunna […]

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30 April 2018

Investigations are ongoing into a  shooting incident   in Abaco that’s left a man in his early 20s dead Friday night.  The  victim  is Perez Dames, a young man who moved to the island only a few months  ago. Police say they were called to the area of Charles Sawyer Highway after 9pm,  they met […]

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30 April 2018

“We are safer today than we were yesterday, but the threats of tomorrow are different”,  said National Security Minister Marvin Dames. In  an  address at the CEO Network conference,  Mr. Dames mentioned that illegal arms trafficking generates approximately $1 billion annually, cocaine generates an estimated $85 billion and human trafficking an estimated $23 billion annually. […]

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30 April 2018

The police are getting high marks from a Baptist Bishop,  Reverend Doctor Simeon Hall Pastor  who  has applauded the police for the reduction in murders so far this year. He said, “I commend the Minister of National Security The Honorable Marvin Dames and the Commissioner of Police Mr. Anthony Ferguson for this significant step in […]

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30 April 2018

The Department of Public Health offered vaccinations in the Marathon Mall this weekend.  Nurse Joyanne Cartwright, a nurse at the Gambier Clinic, told the Journal  why it is important for children to keep up-to-date with their shots.  She said, “some people feel that it makes you sick or that there is some conspiracy behind it, […]

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30 April 2018

In an effort to prove that there a still good individuals left in the world, Minister of State for Grand Bahama J. Kwasi Thompson honored a local doctor for his 22 years of giving back to the community.  Dr. Malik Kavala is best known for serving lunch to the elderly in Grand Bahama.  He came to […]

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Officers Graduate After Grueling Training

30 April 2018

A grueling training program that starts  bright and early at 4:45 each morning paid off for 80 police and customs officers. On Friday morning these officers graduated from the Police Training College’s School of professional development. For two weeks, the group soaked up classroom instructions, presentations, physical fitness, control tactics and firearm certification and according […]

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One Eleuthera Foundation celebrates 7th Annual Earth Day

30 April 2018

On Saturday, April 21st , at the Centre for Training & Innovation (CTI), Rock Sound, One Eleuthera Foundation (OEF) and its partners staged, its 7 th Annual Earth Day Fest under the theme “Plastic Free Paradise”.  The week leading up to Earth Day was filled with an explosion of related activities beginning April 17th. These […]

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