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The government signed a Heads of Agreement with Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International on Thursday.  This agreement marks the approval of a long-planned project to expand and revitalize the Grand Bahama Shipyard, with a $600 million investment dedicated to the construction of new drydocks and improvements to the facilities in Freeport.  This expansion will position the shipyard to feature the largest floating dock ship repair facility in the Western Hemisphere by 2026, significantly boosting the island's economy.


The government signed a Heads of Agreement with Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International on Thursday.  This agreement marks the approval of a long-planned project to expand and revitalize the Grand Bahama Shipyard, with a $600 million investment dedicated to the construction of new drydocks and improvements to the facilities in Freeport.  This expansion will position […]

Mario Bannister


Police Prosecutors charged Mario Bannister, former ManagingDirector of Clifton Heritage National Park this week for acting as an accessory to themurder of 36-year-old Phillip Adderley, by providing a vehicle to the accusedkillers.Twenty-eight year old Christian Napier and 26-year-old Donte Riley werecharged with killing Adderley whose body was found on August 15th, 2024,stabbed to death in […]

Prison Guard Corruption Concerns Butler

05 July 2017

In the face of what has become a disturbing trend of corrupt prison officers, Prison Staff Association President Anthony Butler is calling for stiffer policies and procedures throughout their system in an effort to stamp out corruption. For the third time in recent weeks a prison guard has been caught with drugs. The most recent […]

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BTVI to Offer Online Courses This Fall

05 July 2017

This Fall, the Bahamas Technical and Vocational Institute (BTVI) will offer new programmes and online courses in the Information Technology (IT) Department. The new programmes include an associate’s degree programme as well as revamped degree programmes and new certificate programmes. The idea will give students a chance to enter the workforce quickly while being accredited. […]

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Floating Book Fair on Its Way to Nassau

05 July 2017

The world’s largest floating book fair Logos Hope is on its way to The Bahamas. This will be the ship’s second time embracing the shores of Nassau, with its first stop being back in 2010. Logos Hope has a crew of 400, including individuals from 65 different countries who share knowledge of the books’ content. […]

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Minnis Challenges CARICOM

05 July 2017

In his inaugural address to the CARICOM body at the 38th Regular Meeting of the Conference Heads of Government of The Caribbean yesterday afternoon, Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis urged The Bahamas’ regional partners to be wary of the dangers of climate change and its impact on the region. Dr. Minnis in his address said […]

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URCA to Host 17th Global Regulators Symposium

05 July 2017

With regulatory bodies from at least 60 countries from around the world converging in the capital, the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) gets set to host the 17th Annual Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-17). Organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), with the theme “Living in a World of Digital Opportunities,” Chief Executive Officer […]

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Peter Turnquest

DPM: ‘Unity Needed for a Successful Bahamas’

05 July 2017

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance K. Peter Turnquest on Sunday, July 2, said the country can only be successful if there’s united purpose and effort. He said, “You know, we cannot be successful unless we all work together, and as I said, on whatever side of the divide, we are one people, we […]

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Man on Bail Shot Dead

05 July 2017

A man was shot dead on Monday night and police are appealing to the public to assist with information concerning this latest homicide. According to police, shortly before midnight, a man was standing near a home on Bimini Avenue, when a man armed with a handgun approached and shot him before fleeing on foot. The […]

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GB Family Drug Possession (6) - (Top Photos)

Family in Cocaine Bust

04 July 2017

A family of six from Grand Bahama pleaded not guilty to one count of possession of dangerous drugs with the intent to supply yesterday in the Magistrate’s Court. Forty-four-year-old Arthur Stubbs Sr., his 22-year-old son Arthur Stubbs Jr., 25-year-old daughter Silia Woodside, 53-year-old twins Naomi and Ruth Woodside and 41-year-old Helena Stubbs appeared before Magistrate […]

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Man Missing in Abaco

04 July 2017

Police are looking for a male resident of Green Turtle Cay, Abaco who was reported missing on Saturday. He was reported missing at the Coopers Town Police Station and was last seen between Little Hog Cay and Green Turtle Cay driving a jet ski. According to police, the man is described as having light brown […]

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69 Haitian Migrants Apprehended

04 July 2017

Royal Bahamas Defence Force (RBDF) officials apprehended a Haitian sloop early yesterday morning carrying more than 60 undocumented Haitian nationals on the Great Bahama Bank west of the Exuma chain. The interception was made by Her Majesty’s Bahamian Ship Lignum Vitae under the command of Senior Lieutenant Bertram Bowleg around 2 a.m. Monday morning. After […]

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