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BAHAMAS INVESTMENT FORUM IN WASHINGTON, DC --  Photographed above are some the participants of the first Bahamas Business and Investment Forum in Washington, DC organized by The Embassy of The Bahamas. From left to right are Senator Barry Griffin; Central Bank Governor John Rolle; Senator Quinton Lightbourn; Senator Michael Halkitis, Minister of Economic Affairs; Barbara Feinstein, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; The  Bahamas Ambassador to the United States His Excellency Wendall Jones; The Hon. I. Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Investments; Ambassador Chet Neymour; Consul General Washington Patrick Adderley; Consul General New York Leroy Major; and Michael Fountain, Honorary Consul Chicago.


The Deputy Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments and Aviation, I. Chester Cooper has announced that the government will execute heads of agreements this month for more than $1billion of new investments in major touristic developments. It is understood that these projects are slated for Paradise Island and Cable Beach. Mr. Cooper made the announcement […]



Shenia RobertsJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and AviationChester Cooper visited the island of Eleuthera on Monday to sign a $55 million dollar loanagreement with the Saudi Fund for Development to facilitate updates to North Eleuthera’s airportterminal.The updates to North Eleuthera International Airport have been long […]

Baha Mar goes in overdrive

02 November 2017

Baha Mar launched its official grand opening to the world last evening with a spectacular video presentation of the future plans of Baha Mar and the Bahamas. Based in the Bahamas, VP of Marketing, Karin Salinas said, “We’ve categorized this day as a milestone day for us. It is the opportunity to really go on […]

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Bahamas Extends Condolences to U.S.

02 November 2017

Minister of Foreign Affairs Darren Henfield has offered condolences to the United States of America in the wake of what’s being dubbed a terror attack.   On Tuesday 29-year-old Sayfullo Saipov an immigrant from Uzbekistan raced down a busy bike path in a rented pickup truck mowing down pedestrians and cyclists near the World Trade […]

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Decriminalization of Marijuana “absolutely false”

02 November 2017

The social media rumor mill was ablaze yet again yesterday, this time with a false message circulated claiming that Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis and his team had reached an agreement to decriminalize a certain quantity of marijuana. The Bahama Journal spoke with Health Minister Dr. Duane Sands yesterday who immediately shut down those rumors, […]

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Symonette claims 20,000 warrants outstanding

02 November 2017

  During his stint as Attorney General, St. Anne’s Member of Parliament (MP) Brent Symonette admitted that he nolled numerous cases and in his defense, he said they were minor cases that stretched back many years. Speaking during the debate in the House of Assembly yesterday on a bill to establish an independent Director of […]

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URCA orders ZSR Sports Radio off air

02 November 2017

ZSR Sports Radio 103.5FM is fighting to the Radio Station on the air after being told officially by the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA) to give up the frequency. URCA has given the frequency to a new company called Paramount Systems upon the request from the licence holders Frank Rutherford and Mrs Blossie Smith, […]

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Police Apprehend Second Suspect In Shoot-out

02 November 2017

Two men are now in police custody following a police involved shooting that occurred on Monday night. Police apprehended the second suspect on Tuesday night. According to police reports, shortly after 8p.m Tuesday, a Police Operation Team arrested the second suspect in Dignity Gardens. Senior Assistant Commissioner of Police Stephen Dean reports that on Monday […]

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“Where is Mr. Nygard’s Swift Justice” to rebuild his house?

01 November 2017

The Clifton Review The Clifton Review is a bi-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires, the links to unsavory characters, the use of the courts for personal agendas, the involvement of the Government opposition party (the FNM), and the attacks on the […]

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01 November 2017

The new board of directors of Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) is said to be hard at work developing plans to restructure that company. The directors of BPL made a presentation to the Cabinet of the Bahamas yesterday according to press secretary Anthony Newbold to push the company forward. It is reported that a proposed […]

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Bishop Wants Records Of Juvenile Crimes Expunged.

01 November 2017

Former President of the Bahamas Christian Council and Pastor Emeritus at New Covenant Baptist Church, Bishop Simeon Hall is calling for the records of juveniles to be expunged for sealing crimes once they have shown a change in their adulthood. “It is imperative that we find and enforce a consistent process, by which to expunge […]

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PLP Leader Philip Davis has Zero Tolerance To Corruption in New PLP

31 October 2017

Newly re-elected leader of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP), Philip Davis promises that there will be “zero tolerance” to corruption in the party, as the PLP must remain committed to its journey of reform and renewal.   “Corruption tears at the fabric of our social compact. Where it exists, it must be punished”, Mr. Davis […]

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