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PM Davis Laying Pipes for New Cat Island Water Mains PM: Foundation Being Set for Eleuthera Development

PM Davis Laying Pipes for New Cat Island Water Mains

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis has signed a desalination contract between the Waterand Sewerage Corporation and Consolidated Water for two desalination plants.While at his West Bay Street office he said it marks the beginning of an“extraordinary” new chapter for Cat Island.According to the Prime Minister the Member of Parliament for […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

PM: Foundation Being Set for Eleuthera Development

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff WriterResidents of mainland Eleuthera and surrounding islands like Harbour Islandand Spanish Wells have been vocal and action-oriented in recent timesbemoaning the lack of reliable infrastructure like electricity, potable water andinternet services.The government has heard their cries and announced several plans to addressthe issues and according to Prime Minister Philip Davis […]

Morton Salt Employees Plan To Strike

28 January 2019

The Bahamas Industrial Manufacturers Union confirmed  last  Friday morning that they are gearing up to strike on the grounds of discrimination. This strike could possibly result in a halt being place on salt production. According to union president, Jennifer Brown, negotiations for a new industrial contract have been ongoing for quite some time now with […]

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25 January 2019

A  teacher  was allegedly  assaulted by two male students on C.V. Bethel Senior High School’s grounds  and the President of the Young Democrats Alliance (YDA) Laron G. Moxey   calls the act disappointing .  It is said that the assault resulted in the educator having to be rushed to the hospital.  Mr.  Moxey said that […]

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25 January 2019

Centreville MP Reece Chipman yesterday announced his intentions to run in the 2022 general election, and is not ruling out the possibility of running as an independent candidate. He made it clear in the House of Assembly this past Wednesday that he will be running and that he will win.     “At this time it […]

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25 January 2019

Minister of Public Works, Desmond Bannister, called on the staff of his ministry not to be complacent. He gave remarks  yesterday  at the opening of the Ministry of Public Works’ 2019 Distinguished Lecture Series. Mr. Bannister  encouraged workers to this year take initiative, practice greater leadership and tackle issues of complacency. “When you have a […]

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Bahamas Votes To Overthrow Gov’t

25 January 2019

Former Minister of Foreign Affairs Senator Fred Mitchell   is complaining that “The Bahamas  yesterday  took the extraordinary and precedent setting step to delegitimize the government of another country by its vote at the Organization of American States to recognize the Opposition’s leader in Venezuela as Interim President.” He says, “the explanation given today by […]

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Hanna- Martin Opposes New Port Management

25 January 2019

Shadow Minister for Transport Glenys Hanna-Martin thinks the government should not put the redevelopment and management of the Prince George Wharf in the hands of foreigners.   Her comments come as Tourism Minister Dionisio D’ Aguilar Announced that the government is about to enter an agreement for the redevelopment and management of the Prince George […]

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24 January 2019

Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Deputy Leader Arinthia Komolafe yesterday said the Bahamas should not move forward with accession  plans  to the World Trade Organization (WTO).  Mrs. Komolafe says  that her party “wholeheartedly supports the principles of a free market economy and initiatives that will provide a fair global trading system”.  She also noted that  “E-commerce, […]

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Screenshot 2019-01-24 at 11.20.24 AM


24 January 2019

Prime Minister Doctor  Hubert Minnis yesterday along with National Security Minister Marvin Dames signed a contract with Shotspotter Technology in an effort to enhance the country’s crime fighting skills. The Prime Minister expressed the view  that fighting crime is about “making people feel safer in their homes, on the streets, in their cars, in their […]

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No Evidence In Junkanoo Bribery Allegations

24 January 2019

The Chairman of the Junkanoo Corporation New Providence Limited (JCNP), Silbert Ferguson says no evidence has come to the surface in the alleged bribe claim made in a voice note that circulated social media following the parades.  Mr. Ferguson made his comments during a press conference the JCNP held to release the official Junkanoo results.  […]

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24 January 2019

Police  in New Providence are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying and locating the persons responsible for a shooting incident yesterday  which left an adult female with injuries.  According to reports, shortly before 11:00am, a woman was sitting in a vehicle on Gray’s Terrace off Bernard Road, when the occupants of a silver Honda Accord […]

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