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PM Davis Laying Pipes for New Cat Island Water Mains PM: Foundation Being Set for Eleuthera Development

PM Davis Laying Pipes for New Cat Island Water Mains

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis has signed a desalination contract between the Waterand Sewerage Corporation and Consolidated Water for two desalination plants.While at his West Bay Street office he said it marks the beginning of an“extraordinary” new chapter for Cat Island.According to the Prime Minister the Member of Parliament for […]

Prime Minister Hon. Philip Davis

PM: Foundation Being Set for Eleuthera Development

By Gerrino J. SaundersJournal Staff WriterResidents of mainland Eleuthera and surrounding islands like Harbour Islandand Spanish Wells have been vocal and action-oriented in recent timesbemoaning the lack of reliable infrastructure like electricity, potable water andinternet services.The government has heard their cries and announced several plans to addressthe issues and according to Prime Minister Philip Davis […]


28 January 2019

Royal Bahamas Defense Force Commodore Tellis Bethel  says  that officers have to pay closer attention the the vessels crossing our waters as migrants and poachers are changing their means of transpiration.  Commodore Bethel  said “The Defense Force continues to maintain a patrol in the Southern Bahamas, and of course, we would have has several incidents […]

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Gov’t Receiving Bids On Grand Lucayan

28 January 2019

The government of the Bahamas is  seemingly making a little headway with its bid to get the Grand Lucayan Resort off its hands. According to Minister of Tourism, Dionisio D’Aguilar, it’s hoped that the bids will be closed off by February 15th. “Then there will be an evaluation period pairing down those who have submitted […]

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Major Infrastructural Works On Tap

28 January 2019

A number of infrastructural improvements on tap for the family islands this year, starting with Grand Bahama.  Parliament Secretary in The Ministry of Public Works, Iram Lewis says “one of  the flagship projects is the Smith’s Point sea wall,” he said.  “We had to make a strong decision during our first few months in office […]

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Ground Breaking For $250 Million PI Project

28 January 2019

Branded as the new downtown Paradise Island, Sterling Hurricane Hole offers a unique live work play lifestyle, as touted by Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis, who brought the keynote address at the official ground-breaking ceremony for the project. The project’s expected to provide a $250 million boost to the economy. “It is projected to provide […]

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MP Decries State of Exuma School

28 January 2019

The Member of Parliament  for  Exuma and Ragged Island, Chester  Cooper says,”It is an outrage that Black Point All-Age School remains in a state of disrepair five months after the school year began.” He has previously raised this issue in the House of Assembly.  In a press statement the MP said, “the fact of the […]

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Commodore Bethel: “Search Continues For Debris Of Missing Plane

28 January 2019

Commodore of the Royal Bahamas Defence Force, Tellis Bethel said the circumstances surrounding the search of missing pilot Byron Ferguson’s six-seater Piper Aztec is a “unique one”, as marines continue to look for any debris in the area of the crash.  The ongoing search for wreckage of young Ferguson’s plane, that crashed in waters just […]

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28 January 2019

Following  a rebuke from Shadow Minister of Transport Glennys Hanna-Martin, Tourism Minister Dionisio D’Aguilar  claims  that all proposals for the Prince George Wharf  have significant Bahamian involvement, which he said is a huge factor for the Minnis Administration.  He  says,  “we must think that we can be exceptional, and I think that’s what we’re pushing […]

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Gov’t Got Full Revenue From Fyre Festival

28 January 2019

According to Acting Customs Comptroller Dr. Geannine Moss, the government received every bit of the government’s revenue from the failed Fyre Festival back in 2017.  Her comments come following the release of the jaw dropping Netflix documentary which left everyone wondering if the government got paid. “As is required for any even coming into The […]

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Morton Salt Employees Plan To Strike

28 January 2019

The Bahamas Industrial Manufacturers Union confirmed  last  Friday morning that they are gearing up to strike on the grounds of discrimination. This strike could possibly result in a halt being place on salt production. According to union president, Jennifer Brown, negotiations for a new industrial contract have been ongoing for quite some time now with […]

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25 January 2019

A  teacher  was allegedly  assaulted by two male students on C.V. Bethel Senior High School’s grounds  and the President of the Young Democrats Alliance (YDA) Laron G. Moxey   calls the act disappointing .  It is said that the assault resulted in the educator having to be rushed to the hospital.  Mr.  Moxey said that […]

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