Mothers of the Seabreeze Constituency enjoyed an afternoon of entertainment and surprises this Saturday at the annual Mother’s Day Luncheon held by the Ministry Social Services and Urban Development.
The ceremony kicked off at 1pm at the All Saint Anglican Church Parish Hall where Member of Parliament Lanisha Rolle praised “urban mothers” for their tireless efforts to push society forward.
She said, “Urban mothers were community builders. You are the women worthy of honor. You are the mothers deserving of praise. As the world, changed, you prepared us for the future. You walked us to school, helped us with our homework.
“I hear them talking about smart urban and smart cities, smart Ragged Island and Smart Exuma. If we have a smart anything, it is because it is the fruit of the seeds laid by urban mothers. Smart enough to push our children in the age of technology so that we here in The Bahamas are not left behind.”
Minister Rolle said, “urban communities are communities with high population density, and so you have a lot of people in the area and it requires a lot of resources. A lot of activities and dynamics goes on in those communities that may not happen in a suburban community or a place where there are less people.
“So, that’s what makes them different because they have a unique set up and their unique circumstances under which they have to work, and lay, and live, and not only live but succeed,” she said.
The minister of social services also shared comments on a controversial video circulating social media where a mother is seen beating daughter.
“I just want to say that no form of abuse is acceptable under any circumstance. We are here to love the children, to guide them, to direct them into things that are right and so we want to do that in a way that is conducive to their healthy growth and development. So certainly, any form of abuse is abuse that cannot and should not be tolerated,” said Mrs. Rolle.
She suggested that in this regard training and education is important in these types circumstances.