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Hotel Union Says Former AG’s Abused Office

The Bahamas Hotel Maintenance and  Allied Workers Union has reiterated the position of Golden Gates MP Michael Foulkes who last week said former Attorney General Allyson Maynard- Gibson abused her position while in office.

During his contribution in the House last week  Mr.  Foulkes stated, that   Mrs.  Maynard Gibson abused her authority as Attorney General when she issued a nolle prosequi to stop a private prosecution against the top management of Sandals Royal Bahamian Resort.

Mr. Foulkes further stated that “there is little doubt that the action of the then Honorable Attorney General  was an abuse.   It was an over-reach and an arbitrary exercise of her constitutional authority — unfettered and answerable to no one.”

The Maintenance Union in a statement said it is in full agreement with the contributions made by Mr. Foulkes, and states that  Mrs.  Maynard Gibson’s  action was not only an abuse of her powers as Attorney General, but it was a cardinal sin, and an unforgivable sin, that workers in the Bahamas would never ever forget.

“This despicable action by Mrs. Maynard Gibson has taken workers back to the Pre-General Strike era, against ILO Convention 87 and 98, and an affront to the 600 workers who were terminated from Sandals;  while she was looking after the interest of the foreign workers at the expense of Bahamian workers.  The question at the back of our minds is Why?” asked the Union.

According to Foulkes, Maynard-Gibson’s action, “seemingly approved by the then Right Honorable Prime Minister Perry Christie, speaks to their uncanny ability and penchant for looking out for their narrow interests at the expense of 600 hard-working Bahamians”.

Mr. Foulkes said the PLP has sold the Bahamian people a “false narrative” that it is for “the small man”. “If that were so, why did not the then honorable attorney general allow the hotel workers’ case to be heard to its conclusion and allow a ruling by the learned magistrate and let the chips fall where they may?

“It is unthinkable, unimaginable and unbelievable that any government would treat its workers and people in such a callous fashion.  We whole heartily endorsed these sentiments.

“Because of Allyson Maynard Gibson abuse of power, Bahamian workers have no recourse where Employers fail  to negotiate .  We now again call on this present Government, through the Minister Labour, to fix this wrong, and ensure that the 600 terminated workers from Sandals Royal Bahamian Resorts  and  Spa are properly compensated,” said Mr. Foulkes.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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