Democratic National Alliance Leader Branville McCartney believes the government has failed to follow through with plans of addressing major issues in the economy.
Mr. McCartney said in a statement yesterday that the 2015/2016 budget lacks strategy for improving the country.
He noted that the known budget growth for The Bahamas is originally 2.8 per cent later lowered to 2.3 per cent, but the Central Bank of the Bahamas predicted 1.9 per cent.
According to Central Bank, the country will only grow at a low rate of 0.9 per cent for the entire year.
With this information, Mr. McCartney raised some alarming questions regarding the country’s economic growth.
“Whom did The Bahamas grow for and did we benefit overall?” said Mr. McCartney. “The short answer is no!”
Another startling concern in the budget, according to Mr. McCartney, is the lack of items carried over from the budget of 2014/2015.
“Last year’s budget communication promised a Central Revenue Agency and certain reforms,” he pointed out.
“Also the government placed a $1 million bond for housing that begins in the budget itself. Their plan was similar to another one early on which was initially billed as a public-private sector partnership arrangement that would collaborate with a larger mortgage relief action.”
However, Mr. McCartney said the government has failed to follow through with key aspects for their plan of action.
“Apparently the government created numerous new promises and before fulfilling such promises for the new budget, they are provided funding,” he noted.
According to Mr. McCartney, the Road Traffic Department was not included in last year’s budget and it was also never mentioned for revenue enhancement measures.