Minister of Labour and National Insurance Shane Gibson shared the government’s plans to address the country’s labour issues during the 104th Session of the International Labour Conference in Geneva, Switzerland on Wednesday.
The conference, sponsored by the International Labour Organization (ILO), establishes and adopts international labour standards and acts as a forum for discussion of key social and labour questions.
During his address, Minister Gibson discussed the government’s proposed plan to commit $20 million to assist with the reduction of youth unemployment through an apprenticeship programme.
“This new and innovative programme is designed to identify at risk youth and provide these persons with training and capacity building – thus equipping them with new skills, and better preparing them to enter the labour market. It is envisioned that the social partners will collaborate with the government in the implementation and execution of this programme.”
The Ministry of Labour and National Insurance specifically however, according to Minister Gibson, over the last few months has placed a renewed focus on capacity building.
“This effort has yielded positive results and it is anticipated that upcoming seminars and public meetings would benefit all stakeholders in ensuring that the Bahamian workforce acquire the skills to meet the demands of the labour market,” he said.
Furthermore, in terms of keeping up with specific ILO standards, he informed delegates of the progress the Occupational Health and Safety Unit in the Ministry of Labour and National Insurance is currently making.
“Over the past 12 months numerous inspections were conducted both in the public and private enterprises, aimed at reducing the amount of workplace accidents, industrial injuries and the loss of productive working hours,” said Minister Gibson.
“Additionally, a number of health and safety inspectors have, in conjunction with the Pan American Health Organization, undergone a number of training sessions in the proper handling of hazardous material and inspections in the construction industry. These initiatives will better prepare the experts to meet new challenges in their respective fields.”
Also making noticeable strides is the Bahamas Agricultural and Marine Science Institute (BAMSI), which was initially established to help to promote food security in The Bahamas.
Since its opening, 50 students have been enrolled and are currently acquiring the necessary skills in the fields of agriculture and marine science.
Minister Gibson also shed light on the country’s focus on those persons of the disabled community as well as The Bahamas’ active participation in the “Regional Initiative: Latin American and the Caribbean Free of Child Labour.”
“This innovative instrument of cooperation involves 25 countries with a goal to accelerate, as a matter of urgency, the rate of elimination of child labour and provide a response to this very serious issue that plagues the Latin American and Caribbean region,” he said.