National Security Minister Marvin Dames has responded to an online petition which called for his resignation in the wake of what some believe was negligence on the part of Police and Defence Force personnel.
The criticism of the Minister arose as a result of the initial search and rescue efforts for missing pilot Byron Ferguson. The Minister indicated that no flight plan was filed in the incident and it was later confirmed he was incorrect.
The Minister told reporters yesterday that he doesn’t understand why persons made the call for his dismissal, but that they have a right to do as they choose.
“I am currently the Minister of National Security, I am a Bahamian and I take my job very seriously.
“Every day I wake up, seven days a week and I give it my best to ensure that Bahamians are safe, that they are protected, that law enforcement especially the Police and Defence Force and those at the Corrections Department are doing their jobs to protect Bahamians.
“My record is clear. I am very transparent and I am very open in everything I do. This is my country and I am going to do whatever I have to within the framework of the law to ensure that this is the safest and the best little country on earth,” he said.
Meantime search efforts continued yesterday for the pilot. Head of Dive Operations of the Defense Force Commander Shone Pinder said even though nothing substantial has been found, there are no signs of the investigation coming to an end anytime soon.
“From my knowledge and from my historical experience, I find that these investigations can go on for some time and can extend from 18 months to up to two years.
“They take a while, because based on evidence and because a lot of it is also predicated on tests that have to be done with that evidence and the debris that is found, then a conclusion has to be drawn from that,” he said.
Captain Ferguson’s lightweight aircraft went down now two weeks ago in waters near Nirvana Beach.