Archive | National News

PHA Explains Junior Doctors’ Holiday Pay

The Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) yesterday explained that in the Bahamas Doctors Union’s (BDU) Industrial Agreements of 2014 and 2017, related to holiday pay, it was recommended and approved by the PHA Board for Management to negotiate a settlement of holiday pay for junior doctors to cover the period from June 16, 2014 through October […]

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BPSU President: ‘Enough is Enough’

The Bahamas Public Services Union (BPSU) President Kimsley Ferguson said “enough is enough” and vowed to continue to fight, as some 200 members at the Princess Margret Hospital (PMH) withdrew their services and walked off the job yesterday.   According to Ferguson, the strike came on the heels of a meeting with Prime Minister Dr. […]

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CCTV Contract Signing Next Month

Minister of National Security Marvin Dames announced yesterday that a contract for the implementation of CCTV to assist with the country’s crime fighting initiatives will be signed next month.  “I’m happy to report here today that a Bahamian company won this bid, and in a few short weeks, we’re about to sign the contract for […]

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PHA Owes Doctors $5 Million

Minister of Health Dr. Duane Sands revealed that the Public Hospitals Authority (PHA) is indebt of $5 million to more than 400 doctors, each owed $2,500.   Dr. Sands revealed this information yesterday while appearing on Love 97’s Issues of the Day radio talk show where he responded to the junior doctors’ strike for holiday […]

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Haitian Visa Distribution Suspended

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The Commonwealth of The Bahamas wishes to inform the general public that due to current technical and other challenges, the issuance of visas to Haitian nationals has been suspended until further notice. This does not include nationals who are officials, diplomats or holders of a United States (US), United […]

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DPM Sets Record Straight Over False Claims

Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest said the “malicious and defamatory” accusations circulating on social media about his family member are false. He said in a statement yesterday that the accusations associate a member of his family with a matter before the court. “I wish to state categorically that these fabricated claims are demonstrably false and […]

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Drs Strike-1

Junior Doctors Strike

Junior doctors at Princess Margaret Hospital (PMH) stood in the rain on Wednesday morning to strike in solidarity after not receiving their holiday pay from the Public Hospitals Authority (PHA).  All non-essential services were removed and only emergency staff remained on the job.  According to President of the Bahamas Doctors Union (BHA) Dr. Melisande Bassett, […]

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Two Men Shot Dead in Pinewood

Police are investigating a shooting incident on Monday which left two men dead and a woman with injuries.  According to police, shortly before 11 p.m., a group of men were sitting in a yard on Maple Street, Pinewood Gardens, when they were approached by three armed men, who opened fire in their direction, injuring two […]

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The desecration of Saint Cecilia’s Catholic Church in Coconut Grove  has sent shock waves throughout  the Bahamas.  Whoever is responsible for this dastardly act, in our opinion,  is either possessed with legions of demons or is extremely mentally ill.  There is another opinion held, which is that the level of deviance in the country among […]

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Compass Point Owner to Meet with Gov’t

Compass Point owner Leigh Rodney will be granted the meeting he wanted with the government, according to Minister of Tourism Dionisio D’Aguilar. Minister D’Aguilar agreed to the talk – despite long insisting he will not be bullied and that Mr. Rodney should instead speak with the licensing board. The resort owner has threatened to close […]

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