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BJ Nottage

Crime down by 29%

Minister of National Security Dr. Bernard Nottage announced yesterday during his budget contribution in parliament that crime, compared to last year around this, is now down by 29 percent. Minister Nottage noted that the government is working diligently to lower the crime rate with various programs to tackle prolific offenders. “Overall Crime down by 29%,” […]

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Minnis Launches Campaign: Roc With Doc

Leader of The Opposition Dr. Hubert Minnis officially launched his campaign for leader of the Free National Movement (FNM) under the slogan “Roc with Doc”. Dr. Minnis’ launch of his campaign comes just a day after FNM senator Dr. Duane Sands announced that he would be campaigning for the seat of deputy leader under the […]

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Minister Nottage Press Conference June 14, 2016.   004635

Minnis Calls Nottage’s Comments Deaf And Insensitive

Opposition Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis is calling National Security Dr. Bernard Nottage’s tone over crime “deaf, insensitive and a frightening reminder that this government is not ready to lead.” His comments came after the national security minister said that the past weekend’s three murders were unusual. Over the weekend, Deacon Ivan Cleare of New Bethlehem […]

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Hall Defends Integrity Of His Office

Parliamentary Commissioner Sherlyn Hall yesterday defended the integrity of his office amid criticism over the Parliamentary Registration Department’s handling of Tuesday’s gender equality referendum.  The completed unofficial results of the vote have still not been released and up to press time last night results from several constituencies had still not been reported.  However, Mr. Hall […]

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Bahamians Vote No

In the second constitutional referendum in an independent Bahamas, Bahamians overwhelmingly voted no to all four questions that would have amended the constitution to grant equal rights to men and women. It was reported that more than 180,000 Bahamians registered to vote in the referendum. The Family Islands started the “no” trend with North Andros, […]

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Polling Station 2

Hundreds Turn Out For Advanced Polls

Hundreds turned out yesterday for advanced Voting for the Constitutional Referendum took place at the Thomas A. Robinson National Stadium. The process was reserved for those that will not be able to vote on June 7th including people working in Law enforcement, government officials as well as people working the polls. In attendance were newly ratified […]

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Sears Resigns from COB Council

Former Attorney General Alfred Sears has resigned from his position as Chairman of the Council of the College of The Bahamas due to his return to politics effective May 31, 2016. Mr. Sears in a letter addressed to the Minister of Education Jerome Fitzgerald indicated that his reason for the leave was due to him […]

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Silver Airlines Top Photo

Silver Airways Begins Service To Nassau

Fort Lauderdale-based airline Silver Airways made its inaugural flight from Tampa, Florida to New Providence yesterday adding 25,000 new seats to The Bahamas. Silver Airways will provide flights from Tampa, Fort Myers, Jacksonville and West Palm Beach, Florida to New Providence. “Today’s activities are significant in that the new routes allow a wide range of […]

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PM Announces Tax Reductions

In an effort to provide relief to consumers and businesses, Prime Minister Perry Christie yesterday announced a number of customs duty reductions. During his 2016/2017 budget communication yesterday, Mr. Christie said the government is proposing to      extend the City of Nassau Revitalization Act for another year to June 30, 2017; extend the Family Island Development Encouragement […]

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Duane Sands - Senator-TOP PHOTO

Dr. Sands Sworn In

Free National Movement (FNM) Elizabeth MP Dr. Duane Sands was sworn in to the senate this for a second time Monday in a ceremony at Government House, on the heels of the resignation of Senator Latisha Rolle. Addressing detractors that say Senator Rolle’s resignation embodied the dysfunction within the party, Sands says whatever he can […]

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