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Jeff Lloyd Cabinet _3902

Schools are safe, says Lloyd

Education Minister, Jeffery Lloyd, yesterday asserted that school campuses are safe. This after a 17-year old high school student was taken into custody in connection with Monday’s school stabbing  at C.C.Sweeting Senior High School  that left another in hospital. According to police, the incident unfolded around 11:00am when the teens got into an altercation on […]

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Screenshot 2019-02-07 at 5.08.09 AM

Fiscal Strategy To Bring Order

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Peter Turnquest has announced a strategy to put check and balances  in the fiscal affairs of the country.  Leading the debate for a resolution to accept the 2018 Fiscal Strategy Report – a public document that guides the creation of the annual budget  in the House of […]

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DPM Turnquest

New program for entrepreneurs

Owners of micro, small and medium sized business now have millions of dollars in financial backing to pump into their companies. It was annoouced  during the last budget debate that  the government allocated $5.5 million for the cause, with the small business development backing it up with another $3.5 million for a total $9 million. […]

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Damian Gomez

Gomez Calls For Commission of Inquiry Into Police Practices

Queen’s Counsel, Damian Gomez is calling for a Commission of Inquiry  into Police practices  in the aftermath of the bribery and extortion case of former Member of Parliament Frank Smith.   Mr. Gomez, a key player on Smith’s defense team, holds firm that not only was there misconduct on the part of the police and […]

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Marvin Dames on Murders (2)

Dames: Crime still trending down

A look at the numbers show there was a reduction in homicides last month compared to what was recorded on the books this same time last year.  According to National Security Minister Marvin Dames January 2018 saw some 12 killings while this year there was only three.  “Our law enforcement officers are very in toned […]

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CB Governor: Local Economy Strengthening

Central Bank Governor John Rolle says that the economy’s strengthening enabled higher employment, but unfortunately; not impressive enough to reduce the unemployment rate.  He said, “this is an important indicator concerning the health of the lending environment and prospects around the speed of non-performing loans reduction.” He added, “International fuel prices rose through most of […]

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Cooper Slams Gov’t Borrowing

The Opposition is  not in support of resolutions debated in the House of Assembly yesterday in relation to the government acquiring more loans from the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB). Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Deputy Leader, Chester Cooper, said while the PLP supports digital reform and disaster mitigation, it simply cannot support the resolution since there […]

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Jeff Lloyd

Minister Awaiting Report On Teacher’s Attack

A student’s alleged attack on a C.V. Bethel teacher is the focus of a Police investigation, the results of which Education Minister Jeffrey Lloyd said he is eagerly awaiting to determine the next course of action. “We are awaiting that and have been urgently and patiently waiting that police report. “When we have it, we […]

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Marvin Dames on Murders (2)

Technology Enhancing Crime Fight

Minister of National Security  Marvin Dames is  optimistic about the direction in which law enforcement is going with technology.  The Minister confirmed with reporters recently that all the technological enhancements that the government is looking into will work cohesively in the fight against crime.    “We’re moving and we understand that every piece of technology […]

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Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis last night expressed that the country must expand more and increase efforts to secure the middle class and to move more Bahamians out of poverty. The Prime Minister gave the first of a series of three national reports last night covering economic growth, job creation, and greater opportunities for Bahamians. […]

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