The Progressive Liberal Party is mourning the lost of a champion and fierce fighter, its longtime party Chairman and Former Cabinet Minister Bradley Roberts. He passed away early yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Roberts succumbed to a heart attack at his residence on Skyline Drive.
The 74-year- old businessman, served as the former national chairman of the PLP, leader of opposition business, Minister of Works and Utilities, as well as the Member of Parliament for Bain and Grants Town from 1982-2007.
During his early years in politics, the contested the seat in the Shirlea Constituency against Sir Roland Symonette in 1977.
Even after retiring from frontline politics Mr. Roberts remained vocal in a number of national issues namely the controversial OBAN deal.
Just this pass Sunday the outspoken politician nicknamed ‘Big Bad Brad’ issued a release entitled, ‘The naked and unbridled corruption of the FNM continues’.
Mr. Roberts would have celebrated his 75th birthday on Christmas Day. Reacting to the shocking news of Mr. Roberts’ passing is PLP Chairman Fred Mitchell.
He said,“sometime around lunch time his wife callout to him and there was no answer; then she found that he was not responsive and we know the results.”
“Why therefore we don’t know, but it’s just very sad, we’re all shocked, the atmosphere is just somber here at his home,” he said.
The PLP chairman added that to his knowledge Mr. Roberts was not ill, but admitted that he had a few surgeries a few years back.
His longtime friend and business partner, Sir Franklyn Wilson said, “Bradley was no ordinary businessman. He was a remarkable human being.There is no doubt that he made quite an impact in a number of ways. Bradley Roberts made a difference. He felt deeply about his family, about his church, where he was faithful in his attendance and committed.
“Bradley Roberts was an anchor of the Sunshine Group of companies,” said Sir Franklyn.
Englerston MP Glenys Hanna- Martin said she was shocked at the news.
“I got a message from him yesterday evening, he was still writing political pieces every Sunday. He was an active, vibrant presence. So it wasn’t in my contemplation that we would be thinking of him in the past tense.”
“I was very shocked and then of course, immediately thereafter very saddened, because he has been a feature and a fixture in our political efforts over the many years.
“I served in cabinet with him, when I was chairman. He ran against me and defeated me, but we remained comrades in the struggle and I sat in many meetings over the many years; sat in parliament with him and he had a veracious appetite for the advancement of our people,” Mrs. Hanna Martin said.
She said that without ‘Big Bad Brad’ its like a big piece of reality has been pulled out.
Touting Mr. Roberts’ commitment to the country, Former PLP MP Obie Wilchcombe said Mr. Roberts gave his entire life to service.
“He was a professional individual, but then he served continuously, even when he fought in strongholds held by the UBP/FNM.”
“Bradley Roberts became a Member of Parliament after the death of a PLP Member of Parliament and then he was able to get into the House of Assembly and the one thing he did on a weekly basis was met with his people and stayed in touch with his people.”
Mr. Wilchcombe added that Mr. Roberts inside the game or outside, was always apart of the game.
“He brought institutional knowledge, he brought knowledge, he brought maturity, he brought those ideals that are important in any organization and then he became and was a brand throughout the Bahamas.
“So whenever people felt down or depressed, or that the other party was not moving as it should or as quickly as it must, he was able to serve to inspire because people believed in ‘Big bad Brad because ‘Big Bad Brad had become a brand in this country.”
Mr. Mitchell added that the PLP will be winning the 2022 General Election for Bradley Roberts.
Also expressing condolences on behalf of the Free National Movement was party Chairman Carl Culmer.
In a press release Mr. Culmer said Mr. Roberts proved himself to be a worthy and tenacious opponent on political and national issues.