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PLP Convention Kicks Off

Scores of Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) supporters attended the opening of the party’s 55 th
National Convention yesterday at the Baha Mar Convention Center.
Under the theme “Building on Progress: Driving Change,” party leaders and politicians
highlighted the success of the PLP government since taking office in 2021.
In her address, Minister of Labour and Public Service Pia Glover-Rolle said the PLP government
has made a positive difference in its two years of leadership.
“This year, we will have over 8 million tourist arrivals– record numbers! Unemployment is at its
lowest levels since 2008 and still dropping. This is the kinds of progress that people can feel.
This is progress that puts food on the table and money in your pockets. And this recovery is just
the beginning. We still have a lot of work ahead PLPs,” Glover-Rolle said.
The minister added that she’s proud that the government has delivered for public servants in a
big way.
“Right now, we are rolling out the first public service-wide promotion in over eight years! That’s
over $6 million extra in public servants’ pockets,” Glover-Rolle said as she highlighted the
accomplishments of the Ministry of Labour and Public Service.
“We partnered with local unions to sign 24 new labour agreements in 24 months – a record no
other government can claim. We have teachers and nurses who sacrifice every day now getting
higher pay and better insurance coverage thanks to the PLP. In fact, thousands of public servants
throughout the entire government have benefitted because we’ve made historic progress.
“Now there are some who will look for every little thing to nitpick at. If we give public servants
double promotions, they will say, ‘Why not triple promotions?’ But look here PLPs, don’t let
cynicism and negativity get to you. The work is a mammoth one, and we are making great
progress and we are certain that we are moving this nation in the right direction.”
She noted that government pensions were increased and progress is being made for a modern
contributory pension plan.
“I’m working closely with my colleague Min. Halkitis and our attorney general to craft and
launch a modern contributory pension plan with better benefits that public servants can take with
them, even if they leave the government,” Glover-Rolle said.
She claimed the PLP has done more for public servants when compared to the Free National
Movement (FNM).
“They’ll tell you that they have never seen the public service get this much attention – definitely
not under the FNM,” Glover-Rolle said. “The FNM did nothing for our public servants, just like
they delivered nothing for the Bahamian people. Nothing but excuses. They had a whole lot of
excuses. Excuses to the people whose time they said it was!

“But the PLP doesn’t make excuses, we make things happen.”
PLP Senator Quinton Lightbourne also addressed the convention and noted the government’s
progress globally and locally.
“We are now leading global discussions on climate change, renewable energy, and
biotechnology to reshape industries and solve global problems. You see PLPs, progress and
change in this country and globally are no longer optional. Progress and change are essential for
the survival and well-being of our beautiful Bahamaland. And it takes bold, innovative
leadership to steer the ship. Leadership not afraid to make the tough decisions, leadership with
enough humility to consider the impact every decision would have on the people of this great
country,” Lightbourne said.
“PLPs the change needed to move our country forward is here. As a millennial, it gives me pride
to see the investment our prime minister and his Cabinet continues to make in the youth of our
nation. I’m talking about investment in every facet and area, especially the ones overlooked for
years. Young entrepreneurs now have the opportunity to own and run their businesses with pride.
Creatives now have more opportunities than ever before with support from this PLP led
He pointed out that The Bahamas Development Bank has successfully rebranded and has been
approved for 30 million in capitalization and those funds will be used to empower Bahamian
owned businesses.
“Time and time again the PLP have proven to be the party of the people and the best option to
move this country forward, shaping The Bahamas into the best in the region,” Lightbourne said.
The race for the new PLP chairman will take place today with Fox Hill MP Fred Mitchell and
former senator Robyn Lynes contesting the position.
The PLP convention continues today at Baha Mar with closed morning sessions, with the
evening session beginning at 7 p.m. and open to the public.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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