Archive | June, 2018

DPM fires back at Opposition’s Budget Criticism

Deputy Prime Minister Peter Turnquest fired back at the opposition after PLP leader Phillip Davis described growth within the last fiscal year as “anemic”.  Mr Turnquest says,  “It is laughable that an opposition that oversaw a massive run up in debt over the last five years would have the nerve, the gall to stand before […]

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Labour Day Carnage

The nation mourns after   what is being called ”a  senseless   lapse” on the part of a truck driver  that resulted in the deaths of four women and  caused  scores of  casualties on Labour Day this  past Friday. The jubilation of  participants in the Labour day parade  soon turned into grief  shortly after  10 […]

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Chinese Nationals Detained On Drug Charges

Four Chinese nationals along with one Ecuadorian were  charged with possession of drugs with the intent to supply last Thursday. Standing before Deputy Chief Magistrate Subusola Swain, all of the Defendants pleaded not guilty and were  remanded to The Bahamas Department of Corrections until August 7th. Among the Chinese nationals were two juvenile; Ziyi Dang […]

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Ministry of Health launches Anti-Tobacco Initiative

In honor of World No Tobacco Day, the Ministry of Health has  launched an initiative to combat smoking and raise awareness of its side effects.  This year’s goal focuses on drawing attention to health risks associated with the use of tobacco under the theme, “Tobacco and Heart Disease, aiming to expose the link between tobacco […]

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