Archive | February, 2018

Jean Rony Back In Court

The Immigration case in the Supreme Court of Jean Rony Jean Charles which was scheduled to be heard yesterday will now be heard this morning before Justice Gregory Hilton. Attorney for Charles, Queen’s Counsel Fred Smith, said that the matter was adjourned for the team in the Attorney General’s office to come to some type […]

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Success? “Buying Your Mom Anything in the World”

The Clifton Review The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless […]

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Minnis To Meet With Haitian Gov’t

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis is set to meet with the Haitian Government at the end of this month to discuss the long vexing problem of immigration. This was revealed yesterday by Press Secretary Anthony Newbold during the government’s weekly press briefing. He added that immigration is the top priority on the Prime Minister’s agenda […]

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Plan Executed On Shanty Towns

A 30-member Inter-Ministry Committee charged with clamping down on shantytowns has gotten to work executing a three-page action plan. It was put together to ensure that the regularization of shanty communities is in compliance with international standards. Chairman of the committee, Senator Dion Foulkes said that given a mandate by Prime Minister Dr Hubert Minnis, […]

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Mitchell Wants Immigration Reform

Former Immigration Minister Fred Mitchell says a lot of reform must take place within the immigration ministry. The PLP senator speaking on the Love 97 Radio show “On Point,” said having 20 people in a department to sort through thousands of applications is unrealistic. He hopes that the new border management system solves that problem. […]

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“Firings Not Politically Motivated,” Says Foulkes

Despite the opposition’s claims that the firings of government workers are politically motivated, Minister of Labour, Senator Dion Foulkes said such claims could not be further from the truth. Mr. Foulkes, speaking with reporters before a Cabinet meeting yesterday, said that although he is waiting on a report from the Director of Labour, the accusations […]

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Opposition leader Philip Davis lambasted Royal Bank of Canada’s (RBC) senior vice president for sales in the bank’s Caribbean region, Tim Rider about his remarks he made concerning Bahamians working at RBC. During his monthly press conference yesterday held at Gambier House, the Progressive Liberal Party’s headquarters, Davis said he found Mr. Rider’s remarks offensive […]

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PLP to stand by Englerston MP

Progressive Liberal Party Leader Philip Davis and members of the PLP are standing by Englerston MP Glenys Hanna-Martin’s side should she be suspended from the House of Assembly. This was confirmed by Mr. Davis during a press conference yesterday at PLP Headquarters. Mrs Hanna-Martin and Speaker of the House of Assembly Halston Moultrie exchanged some […]

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Three men were remanded to the Bahamas Department of Corrections yesterday for alleged murders. Before Chief Magistrate Joyann Ferguson-Pratt was able to commence court, she was held back due to the prosecution’s absence from court, although Central Detective Unit (CDU) Officers brought the accused shackled and handcuffed. The two men accused of killing a 34 […]

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Rony Jean Charles Released

Amid shouts of joy and applause from members of his family, Jean Rony Jean Charles was released from custody yesterday. The man at the center of one of the most polarizing immigration cases in recent memory is a free man albeit for now. This after Justice Gregory Hilton ruled that he be released from custody […]

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