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Western Division wins Sprite Freestyle Basketball Challenge!

2012 Sprite Freestyle Tournament 643

It was a total team effort at Anatol Rodgers School on Friday 27th July, as the Western and Grove Division laced up their sneakers to participate in the third annual Sprite Freestyle Basketball Tournament.

The Sprite Freestyle Challenge is a nonprofit initiative intended to foster relationships between the RBPF and the young men in their communities.

The Grove and Western divisions went head to head for the most of the game, scoring one after the other. Fueled from last’s victory however, the Western Division pulled together in the last few minutes and took advantage of every opportunity to score. They emerged with triumph once again earning a formidable win. The final score was 53-39.

“My boys were focused and gave it their all today – I couldn’t ask for anything more from them” said Coach Elkin Sherman. Mr. Vano Miller was announced as the game’s MVP.

The winning team received Blackberries and trophies for their efforts, courtesy of Caribbean Bottling Company. Both teams received gift bags with tons of goodies and of course, lots of Sprite.

“Everyone played with a lot of heart today. While the boys love the gifts, we hope that the true rewards are the relationships that they’ve developed with the officers in their community, said Anthony Rolle, Inspector at the RBPF.

During the tournament, 9 teams faced off in 40 basketball games.

“Our goal is to help these young men have a fun but productive summer” said Donnisha Armbrister, Marketing Manager at Caribbean Bottling Co. “I’m happy for the Western Division. It took a lot of effort and determination on their parts to get here – We are thrilled to have been a part of it”

Written by Jones Bahamas

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