Tag Archive | "The Bahama Journal"

Murder Count 115- New CCTV system talks to begin

With three murders in under 36 hours, National Security Minister Marvin Dames says a new CCTV set up and the revamping of the system to fix the issues will take place very soon. The country’s 115th murder took place last night when a young male was shot on Prison Lane off East Street. He was […]

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PM Defends Health Minister

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis called out Progressive Liberal Party’s (PLP) Chairman, Bradley Roberts, referring to him as belligerent and out of touch, and accused him of political grandstanding. In a press statement, read by Press Secretary Anthony Newbold yesterday, Dr. Minnis said that he was not surprised by the comments Mr. Roberts made as […]

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HIV Testing (2)

Minister defends perceived conflict

Health Minister Dr. Duane Sands said the surgical procedures he performed as a sitting cabinet minister is because he’s only one of a few doctors who specialties in the field.   Dr. Sands’ comments are in response to criticism from Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts.   Mr. Roberts said that Sands in his capacity […]

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Barge Carrying Relief Supplies Ran Aground Off Long Island

A barge carrying hurricane relief supplies to Caribbean countries ran aground off the coast of Grays, Long Island, in the Bahamas on the weekend. In a statement the island’s Member of Parliament, Adrian Gibson revealed that the barge was carrying heavy machinery, cell phone towers, utility poles, bucket trucks, a crane, approximately 7 thousand gallons […]

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Gender Not A Hurdle In Leadership Bid, Says Hanna-Martin

Amid sexist rhetoric surrounding her bid to become the first female leader of the Progressive Liberal Party, Englerston MP Glenys Hanna- Martin says she does not think her gender has been a major hurdle during her campaign for the post. Appearing as a guest on the Love 97 radio program “On Point,” Mrs. Hanna-Martin refuted […]

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Phase Two of Potter’s Cay Redevelopment to Begin

Commenced under the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) administration, the $3-million-dollar Potter’s Cay Redevelopment project is moving into the second phase.   Speaking with the Bahama Journal yesterday to give an update on the project was Assistant Port Controller Craig Curtis who said phase two is in a waiting stage   “The monies for the completion […]

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Minister of Agriculture Challenges Students

Recognizing World Food Day with an official opening ceremony at the Kendal Issacs Gymnasium yesterday, Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources, Renward Wells challenged the students of various schools attending the special exhibition to become more involved in agriculture and marine resources ventures, as he wants to rebuild and repair the agricultural infrastructure. Addressing the […]

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Building Codes To be Updated

Minister of Works Desmond Bannister made it clear in the House of Assembly yesterday that stronger building codes must be implemented in order to ensure the safety of residents. Bannister said that The Bahamas’ building codes are going to be amended as mandated by the prime minister in the wake of mass devastation from recent […]

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Former Attorney General, Allyson Maynard-Gibson says there are tremendous opportunities in the financial services industry. She says, “whenever there is a crisis and we are in a state of crisis at the moment, but not just we, the world is in a state of crisis, a tremendous change and with that comes tremendous opportunities .” […]

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Davis/Hanna-Martin in Battle for PLP Leadership

Progressive Liberal Party leader Philip ‘Brave’ Davis officially announced his candidacy for the party’s leadership during a prayer breakfast on Saturday morning at the Baha Mar resort. Mr. Davis currently serves as the party’s interim leader following the resignation of former prime minister Perry Christie after the PLP’s overwhelming defeat in the May 10th general […]

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