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Swift Justice: Modernizing the Judicial System for a Safer Bahamas

The government is committed to a safer Bahamas through the Swift Justice Programme.

To this end, the government has implemented ten new criminal courts in order to increase the number of criminal matters disposed before the courts.

The Swift Justice Programme aims to modernize the judicial system in The Bahamas and has already obtained promising results.

Administrative advancements have enabled the judicial system to almost double the number of matters disposed of by the courts since the programme was established.

“Through collaboration with other departments and agencies, we have been able to successfully make improvements to the judicial system to ensure it is fairer and swifter,” stated
Attorney General Alyson Maynard Gibson.

There have been many significant improvements largely as a result of the Swift Justice

For example, in 2012 it took 344 days to progress from an arrest to the presentation of a Voluntary Bill of Indictment, as of March 2015, that timeline has now been reduced to 50 days, an improvement of 86 per cent.

“We are committed to improving our judicial system and protecting Bahamians,” said the
attorney general. “It is through programmes such as the Swift Justice Programme that we are
able to make real improvements.”

The government is working to build a safer Bahamas and will continue to promote and support
programmes that help improve the security of Bahamians.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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