BY: Latonya Roberts
Journal Staff Writer
Prime Minister Philip Davis sent wishes of safety and happiness for the holiday
season in a video released on Monday.
He said, “Christmas is a season of reflection and renewal. We celebrate the birth of
a baby who brought light into a world longing for hope. We thank God for our
many blessings and we commit to greeting our trials and trouble in the years to
come with humility. Merry Christmas, may God bless everyone of us, may God
bless The Bahamas.”
The prime minister also covered the country in prayer.
“I pray that every one of our children knows love and safety and that each one has
the opportunity to reach for the stars. I pray that the young Bahamian heroes
working to protect our nation, are themselves protected” he implored.
He continued, “I pray that a new generation of Bahamians, building our country’s
bright future will always hold onto their determination. I pray that those that have
become doubtful and distant from God are once again brought close, reminded of
his love and mercy because faith is our foundation when we line our heart and
God’s will.
The prime minister reminded that ‘when we trust in grace, we see our strengths as
individuals in our communities as one nation united by love. Join me in these
prayers for renewal, transformation, and for one another.”
The Bahamas Journal is encouraging you and yours to stay safe and vigilant this
holiday season, adhering to safety tips from the Ministry of Health and Wellness
and Law Enforcement officials. Happy Holidays Everyone!