Progressive Liberal Party Chairman Bradley Roberts said Marco City Member of Parliament Greg Moss squandered his golden opportunity for public service following his resignation from the PLP.
“Gregory Moss was one such young Bahamian who was given the opportunity and privilege for public service and more so, the prime minister recognized his talents and invited Mr. Moss to join the Cabinet of The Bahamas, but Mr. Moss wanted to join conditionally,” said Mr. Roberts in a statement issued yesterday.
“When his conditions were not met, he pouted, complained and preened publicly. As the Chairman of the National Insurance Board (NIB), Mr. Moss was publicly insubordinate to the nation’s chief and was relieved of his duties. Even within the context of a democratic culture, an organization can have only one leader or boss at a time and the tail cannot wag the proverbial dog. Organizations thrive and are successful because of team work as there is no “I” in team.”
The PLP chairman thanked Mr. Moss for his service on behalf of the government and made note that the political party, like any other organization, has disagreements.
Mr. Roberts said, however, despite the resignation, the PLP will continue to do its part.
“The PLP, like any other family or organization, encounters disagreements among its members and sometimes these differences are reconciled and sometimes members part ways; such is life in the cut and thrust of not only party politics, but life in any organization,” he said.
“For its part, the PLP has an illustrious and unsurpassed legacy of giving political life and effective platforms of activism to several generations of young and not so young Bahamians desirous of public service. This organization grew from strength to strength over the past 60 years because of this practice and the legacy created from this practice must and will continue when we all would have made our contributions and moved on.”
Mr. Roberts said Mr. Moss squandered his political career with his resignation. He belittled and doubted his chances of nomination in the 2017 general election.
“Further, Mr. Moss squandered much of his political support and capital in the Marco City constituency and stood zero chance of securing a nomination for the upcoming 2017 general election,” he said.
“But as he moves on with his life, I invite Mr. Moss to read the parable of the talents and reconsider the moral of and the lessons learned from that parable. In the end, Gregory Moss did squander a golden opportunity for public service.”