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By Shenia Roberts
Journal Staff Writer

Prime Minister Philip Davis along with Minister of Health Dr Michael Darville toured ten new
ambulances set to be distributed throughout New Providence and the family islands in the
upcoming weeks.
By Friday, five more ambulances bringing the total to 15 new ambulances facilitated by the
International Development Bank will be on the ground in the capital in hopes to mitigate the
issues caused by the lack of functioning ambulances throughout The Bahamas.
The inspection of the new ambulances took place at The National Emergency Medical Services
Headquarters on University Drive. In addition to the prime minister and the health minister was
minister of state in the office of the prime minister and the member of parliament for Mangrove
Cay And South Andros Leon Lundy, acting PHA director Phillip Swann And the general
manager For The IDB Caribbean Anton Edmunds.
Dr Phillip Swann expressed his satisfaction with the efforts made by the IDB in assisting with
this venture.
He explained that this will improve the department’s ability to meet the needs of all Bahamians
saying “this will improve the level and capacity at which we transport persons for emergency
Additionally he explained that four of the 15 ambulances will remain in Nassau to assist with the
demands here in the capital while the remaining will be distributed throughout the family islands
In addition to this, minister of health Dr. Michael Darville thanked Bahamians for their patience
and expressed his excitement for the way forward.
He said for the family islands this new development will have a huge impact, assuring them that
“very shortly, gone will be the days when our loved ones are thrown in the back of a truck with
no medical support.”
Also expressing his gratitude and excitement was Prime Minister Davis, who said “this marks
another step toward our efforts to strengthening healthcare in The Bahamas.” He added that this
improvement will ensure that all Bahamians get medical help faster and more reliably than
Similarly, the General Manager for the IDB Caribbean Anton Edmunds reassured officials that
the IDB is a committed partner and is looking forward to working with them on other initiatives.
“We the IDB look forward to being there with you as you build out other services for your

Written by Jones Bahamas

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