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BAHAMAS INVESTMENT FORUM IN WASHINGTON, DC --  Photographed above are some the participants of the first Bahamas Business and Investment Forum in Washington, DC organized by The Embassy of The Bahamas. From left to right are Senator Barry Griffin; Central Bank Governor John Rolle; Senator Quinton Lightbourn; Senator Michael Halkitis, Minister of Economic Affairs; Barbara Feinstein, U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State; The  Bahamas Ambassador to the United States His Excellency Wendall Jones; The Hon. I. Chester Cooper, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and Investments; Ambassador Chet Neymour; Consul General Washington Patrick Adderley; Consul General New York Leroy Major; and Michael Fountain, Honorary Consul Chicago.


The Deputy Minister and Minister of Tourism, Investments and Aviation, I. Chester Cooper has announced that the government will execute heads of agreements this month for more than $1billion of new investments in major touristic developments. It is understood that these projects are slated for Paradise Island and Cable Beach. Mr. Cooper made the announcement […]



Shenia RobertsJournal Staff Writer Prime Minister Philip Davis and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Tourism and AviationChester Cooper visited the island of Eleuthera on Monday to sign a $55 million dollar loanagreement with the Saudi Fund for Development to facilitate updates to North Eleuthera’s airportterminal.The updates to North Eleuthera International Airport have been long […]

“Vote Against Corrupt Governance,” Says Collie

10 May 2017

Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Sidney Collie yesterday stressed the importance of today’s vote, charging that it is an escape from the “down spiral of corrupt governance”. He lamented that too much damage has been done by the Christie administration. “Tomorrow’s election provides the opportunity to make a 180-degree turn and usher in a government that […]

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Five FNM Rallies in 48 Hours

09 May 2017

The Free National Movement (FNM) campaign accelerated into high gear just two days before Bahamians head to the polls with five rallies in 48 hours.   Yesterday, the FNM held a rally in the Berry Islands with FNM candidate Carlton Bowleg.   Bowleg, a resident of the island, was joined by FNM Leader Dr. Hubert […]

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FNM Golden Isles Office Robbed

09 May 2017

Several days ahead of the general election, Golden Isles Free National Movement (FNM) candidate Baugh Miller said his office, located Carmichael Road West, was robbed of its valuables last Thursday night.   Although his office was robbed, Mr. Miller noted that neither he nor his team would be deterred by the incident and the suspects […]

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Ingraham Exposes Minnis’ Weakness

09 May 2017

Deputy Prime Minister Philip Davis said the resurfacing of former Prime Minister Hubert Ingraham is indicative of the lack of trust the Free National Movement (FNM) has in its leader Dr. Hubert Minnis. Mr. Davis in a statement yesterday insisted that the FNM has turned to its former leader, Mr. Ingraham, to execute its “closing […]

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Minister Refutes Tampering Allegations

09 May 2017

  Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Pineridge candidate Dr. Michael Darville said all recent allegations made against him, which also claims that he was involved with ballot tampering, are false.   Dr. Darville appeared on a ZNS radio talk show yesterday where he refuted and dismissed the allegations as “fallacious” and desperate attempts by the Free […]

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Collie: BOB Bailout Politically Motivated

09 May 2017

Free National Movement (FNM) Chairman Sidney Collie has accused the government of trying to conceal documents that would reveal that many of the persons with nonperforming Bank of the Bahamas loans are affiliated with the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP). In a press statement, Mr. Collie stated that this latest incident only highlights the PLP’s lack […]

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Minnis: PLP Using Young Candidates as ‘Window Dressings’

04 May 2017

Free National Movement (FNM) Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis charged that Prime Minister Perry Christie and the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) are using their young candidates as “window dressings”.   Alluding to Mr. Christie’s previous statement that he (Mr. Christie) is a bridge to the future, the FNM leader last night during his party’s mass rally […]

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DNA Leader Calls Ingraham ‘Coward’

04 May 2017

Hours after being counted out of the race as a “waste” of a vote by former prime minister Hubert Ingraham, Democratic National Alliance (DNA) Leader Branville McCartney called the former leader the “biggest coward” there ever was.   McCartney’s comments came during the DNA’s ‘green light rally’ at the Golden Gates Shopping Centre on Tuesday. […]

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Chaos at Advance Poll

04 May 2017

Chaos erupted at yesterday’s advance poll and what was expected to be a smooth process turned into hours of waiting for thousands of Bahamians.   Law enforcement officers and other registered voters stood in long lines at the Kendal G.L. Isaacs Gymnasium to cast their vote ahead of the May 10 general election.   Unfortunately, […]

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“Baha Mar Deal Public, Not Sealed,” Says Adderley

04 May 2017

Retired Supreme Court Justice K. Neville Adderley revealed yesterday that Baha Mar’s proceedings and judgment were in public and not sealed, which makes former Chief Justice Dame Joan Sawyer incorrect on the resort’s deal. Adderley explained that the statement made by Sawyer that the judgment made in the Baha Mar sale case heard on August […]

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