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The government signed a Heads of Agreement with Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International on Thursday.  This agreement marks the approval of a long-planned project to expand and revitalize the Grand Bahama Shipyard, with a $600 million investment dedicated to the construction of new drydocks and improvements to the facilities in Freeport.  This expansion will position the shipyard to feature the largest floating dock ship repair facility in the Western Hemisphere by 2026, significantly boosting the island's economy.


The government signed a Heads of Agreement with Carnival Cruise Line and Royal Caribbean International on Thursday.  This agreement marks the approval of a long-planned project to expand and revitalize the Grand Bahama Shipyard, with a $600 million investment dedicated to the construction of new drydocks and improvements to the facilities in Freeport.  This expansion will position […]

Mario Bannister


Police Prosecutors charged Mario Bannister, former ManagingDirector of Clifton Heritage National Park this week for acting as an accessory to themurder of 36-year-old Phillip Adderley, by providing a vehicle to the accusedkillers.Twenty-eight year old Christian Napier and 26-year-old Donte Riley werecharged with killing Adderley whose body was found on August 15th, 2024,stabbed to death in […]


15 October 2018

The Bahamas Press Club is set to host its  annual Media Awards Ceremony under the theme “Celebrating 45 years of Bahamian media.”  The press club intends to honour the industry’s brightest minds and pay tribute to those that paved the way. It has been announced that 10 individuals employed in the media, at the time […]

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SUNWING PULLING OUT- -Bad news for Grand Bahama’s economy

12 October 2018

The Sunwing Travel Group announced bad news for Grand Bahama yesterday  as it will be pulling  out  of The Bahamas as of 2019. In a statement  the Canadian travel group said, “although Sunwing Airlines has over delivered on its promise each year by exceeding the number of customers brought to the island, we are sad […]

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Senate Welcomes Visitors

12 October 2018

The Senate  is an open door for the public, but many are not aware of this, which is why Senate President, Katherine Forbes – Smith, said the upper house is upping the ante with their public and community engagement. “You’d be amazed at the amount of people who don’t come to the Senate because they […]

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Eleutherans Support Disney’s Proposal

12 October 2018

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis told Eleutherans that he will make a decision on whether to approve Disney’s proposal to create a cruise port at lighthouse point, South Eleuthera next week. It is  an assurance he gave residents of that island  Wednesday  evening during a town meeting in Green Castle that saw the majority of […]

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International day of the girl celebrated

12 October 2018

International Day of the Girl Child – a day the United Nations launched some six years back to promote girl’s empowerment and fulfilment of their human rights, was recognized yesterday.  It also highlights the challenges girls all over the world face. Yesterday morning at the Senate, Social Services Minister, Frankie Campbell shared the importance of […]

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Slump in conch sales

11 October 2018

Vibrio Parahaemolyticus, a term many are now familiar with since the conch poisoning outbreak that put a hole in the wallets of many Potter’s Cay Dock conch vendors. Three months after the outbreak,   vendors say business is still in a slump. “It really affected Potter’s Cay Dock businesses because we do conch salad, nobody […]

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When The Competition Has You On The Ropes

11 October 2018

The Clifton Review    The Clifton Review is a tri-weekly column that examines the question of the Clifton project along with the evolution of the war between two billionaires. We covered the start of this war with articles describing the battle over easement rights, the mysterious burning of a home, the blocks to rebuilding, and countless questionable court […]

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Battling discrimination and stigma against mental health

11 October 2018

Mental health is a serious problem spanning all ages all over the world, as staggering figures have proven.  It is  said that one in every four people are affected by mental disorders at some point, and the numbers continue to grow, leaving health systems across the globe struggling to respond. This is why Health Minister, […]

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11 October 2018

Labour Minister Dion Foulkes is hoping an upcoming meeting with the Consultant Physicians Staff Association (CPSA) helps in averting strike action. The unofficial results indicated that 96 per cent of senior doctors opted  to follow through with  the industrial action in the face of longstanding grievances.  The group has decided to hold off on the […]

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PM speaks with Eleuthera residents about Lighthouse Point proposed development

11 October 2018

Junkanoo fanfare greeted Dr. the Most Hon. Hubert Minnis, Prime Minister, who arrived to facilitate a Town Meeting to discuss with residents the state of the economy in southern and central Eleuthera. An excited crowd, sporting bright coloured T-shirts with the words emblazoned on the front, “We Love Disney” and ”Disney Loves Eleuthera,” embraced the […]

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