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Minnis: “The PLP Cannot Change”

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis lambasted the progressive Liberal Party for what he described as “chaotic” events at the party’s convention last week.


Dr. Minnis comments came while he was giving remarks on Saturday at The Free National Movement’s Meritorious Council Members Celebratory Ball.


“The PLP cannot change, The PLP will not change; look at the chaotic convention they had last week.


“If they can’t run a convention, they certainly can’t lead a country.

We have 55 additional Meritorious Council Members whom we revere for their service to our country and to our party.


“The PLP can’t even keep track of the number of Stalwart Councillors they have. The number may be around 2500. They had to keep extending the voting last week because of the massive confusion in their party.


“What we saw in the PLP in the last five years was no different than how they act whenever they are in government. They rule for themselves. They believe they are the only ones who should have opportunity in our country,” Dr. Minnis said.



Dr. Minnis also highlighted comments by the daughter of former Prime Minister Sir Lynden Pindling as to why the PLP has not evolved.


“The daughter of Sir Lynden told the PLP what the FNM had been saying for years about the last PLP government.


“Her indictment of the PLP is clear and compelling. Sadly, the PLP cannot and will not change, especially given their Leader.

“We are a distinctly different party. Very early in the movement for majority rule, many of you saw the tendency toward gross corruption and the cult of personality.

“A courageous, patriotic Dissident Eight led the way in combatting such a mindset. They included Sir Cecil Wallace Whitfield, Sir Arthur Foulkes, Warren Levarity, Maurice Moore, George Thompson, Curtis McMillan, Jimmy Shephard and Dr. Elwood Donaldson.


“By historic circumstance, the majority of those who were elected to form that first majority rule government either helped to form or later joined the Free National Movement,” Dr. Minnis said.


The voting process for party officers during the Progressive Liberal Party’s 53rd national convention was fraught with chaos and disorganisation, with the vote delayed by nearly three hours due to protests raised over the official register of eligible voters.


The convention site at the Melia Nassau Beach Hotel was plagued by several power cuts as well.





Written by Jones Bahamas

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