This hurricane season, Milo Butler Distributors is teaming up with the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) to promote hurricane preparedness throughout the country. The partnership coincides with the company’s introduction of Swinger Safety Matches to the local market.
“We wanted to come up with a creative way to launch the Swinger Safety Matches line and the timing was ideal as NEMA began its annual awareness campaign in early June,” said Margo Gibson, brand manager at Milo Butler. “Before launching our hurricane preparedness kit giveaway at participating stores, we asked officials from NEMA to essentially vet our kit and test our matches. They inspected each item listed in the preparedness kit to ensure that the items were not only practical but safe.”
With the green light from NEMA, Milo Butler launched the promotion at participating retailers Lil General, Butler’s Bargain Mart, Fergie’s Golden Gates Supermarket and Parkgate Marketplace. The wholesaler also participated in a National Disaster Preparedness Conference held in June.
“Our goal is to build community loyalty by assisting persons with being prepared for the hurricane season. Beyond the promotion, we will continue to work with NEMA to emphasize the importance of preplanning and being prepared in the event of a natural disaster. We have already committed to participating in the 9th Comprehensive Disaster Management Conference in the fall.” Gibson said.
Director NEMA Captain Stephen Russell believes the partnership will strengthen the agency’s efforts to educate the public and applauded the company for its efforts.
“NEMA wishes to thank Milo Butler Distributors for engaging this preparedness promotion, as we seek to ensure that persons are prepared in the event of a disaster,” Russell said.
Butler’s Bargain Mart customer Alma Morley walked away as the winner of the ultimate hurricane preparedness kit complete with matches, a flashlight, batteries, a case of bottle water, a waterproof container, a portable butane stove, canned food and a first aid kit.
“I have never won anything before in my life. I am so happy right now. These items came at a perfect time. I am so grateful to the lady who was in line with me and told me to buy that pack of matches,” Morley said.
Franklin Butler, managing director at Milo Butler, selected the winning receipt. Swinger matches are distributed exclusively by Milo Butler and are available in select stores.