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Laptops Donated To Urban Renewal Center

Urban Renewal is one of the government’s key initiatives in terms of urban development and yesterday it got some assistance.

Air Ambulance Inc. donated six laptops to the Centreville Urban Renewal Community Center valued around $1,500.

Several prominent persons were in attendance including Prime Minister Perry Christie, who spoke about how these new tools will benefit young persons in the community.

“Urban renewal was born in the recognition that we must bring peace and harmony to our communities and also aspirations to stimulate and encourage young kids to dream,” Mr. Christie said.

Former Deputy Prime Minister Cynthia “Mother” Pratt spoke about on the importance of education especially in urban communities.

“Here in Centreville, it is termed an urban area – an area where much needs are met through the centres with programs, along with other programs that are impacting the lives of persons in the community.

“Today, these computers that are being donated to us will go a long way in helping to reach many of our kids and cause them to realize their goals,” Ms. Pratt said.

President of Air Ambulance Worldwide Inc. Mark Jones said that he has always been enamored with The Bahamas and felt compelled to make a donation to assist with the development of persons in the country.

“In a way, we’re outsiders, but in some ways I don’t feel that we are. That’s why we wanted to dedicate a few computers today.

“Tools are nothing more than fixtures of something that could be used. You’ll never know how these tools over the next 10-15 years will help children at this centre.

“There will be people that come from this center, from this community, that could someday be the prime minster,” Mr. Jones said.

Mr. Jones added that his company plans to assist the government with several ventures moving forward including National Health Insurance (NHI).


Written by Jones Bahamas

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