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George Smith

Former Parliamentarian and  Cabinet Minister George  A.Smith  says “the government needs to stop lying to the Bahamian people.”

 Mr. Smith was reacting  to   the growing concern of rising electricity bills in the country following Bahamas Power and Light’s release explaining that a 70 per cent increase in their services was false. 

He said, “They haven’t yet convinced the population. You’re talking about increasing the bill before you tell them how you arrive there.

He added, “If I’m going to tell you that the bread I’m going to bring you tomorrow is going to cost you ten cents more, I should bring the bread so you can be satisfied that it is worth ten cents more.

“Nobody believes what we have been saying about electricity. We haven’t come up with a solution that works, but I believe that if we engage some of the minds in this country to can take the politics out of electricity and focus on satisfying the people’s need for affordable electrical supply, we could do it.” , he said. 

Mr. Smith also expressed that he found the recent increase in Value Added Tax disturbing. 

He added that The Bahamas has become a country of “have-nots,” as the cost of living rises and thousands of Bahamians go to bed without food, struggling to make ends meet. 

He then urged  Bahamians to come together to foster change.

He said, “We’ve got to stop fooling ourselves– those who think they can lock themselves in comfort, behind great wealth and behind gated communities.”

He added, “what people want desperately is a new group in whom they can place some confidence. I’m praying that such people exist and they come forth.” 

Mr. Smith was a guest on Love 97’s talk show Jones and Company yesterday.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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