Five men were yesterday taken before the courts to be arraigned for murder and attempted murder in separate cases.
Nineteen-year-old Garvin Pratt of Palm Tree Avenue and 35-year-old Edvardo Carey of Windsor Road were together charged with the murder of Delano Brice.
Brice was shot to the neck on Saturday August 23 while at Quakoo Street, but died in hospital several days later.
Both men were being monitored by ankle bracelets for pending gun possession charges at the time of the alleged crime.
Carey was represented by attorney Roberto Reckley while Ramona Farquharson-Seymour represented Pratt.
She told the court that her client required medical attention as he was beaten while in police custody…they return to court on September 22 for the service of a Voluntary Bill of Indictment.
In a separate case 20-year-old Milton McKinney of Cowpen Road was charged with the August 11 murder of Prince Prudent who was shot dead in Pinewood Gardens.
Prudent was transferring funds for a local web shop when he was accosted and shot.
McKinney’s lawyers Michael Kemp and Ian Cargill requested protective custody for their client.
He heads back to court on September 23.
Also arraigned Monday were 24 year old Kevin Whyms of Polehemus Street and 21-year-old Richard McNeil of Dorsette Alley, who were charged with the attempted murder of Delvin Durky on Monday September 1.
Whyms was not represented by an attorney while Ian Cargill represented McNeil.
None of the murder and attempted murder suspects were required to plea to the charges and all were remanded to prison.