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Exuma MP fears Youth Exodus

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Deputy Leader Chester Cooper weighed in on the country’s unemployment report issued by the Department of Statistics last Friday, saying he hopes this does not lead to young people leaving the country.
Statistics show that unemployment among the youth remains unacceptable and Mr. Cooper said that he finds this alarming.
He said, “Since May, as you’re well aware, there were graduations from high schools, graduations from colleges, and young people; thousands of them, returning to The Bahamas in search of gainful employment.”
He added, “I am deeply concerned about that in particular. I’m concerned that government isn’t doing enough to create jobs. It’s not doing enough to drive the economy. It’s not doing enough to attract foreign direct investments or local investments, and therefore we continue to see many of our young people out of work and eager to work.”
Mr. Cooper said he hopes that this does not continue to force young, qualified minds out of the country in hopes of finding better opportunities.
He added, “We need our best minds in The Bahamas helping to grow our Bahamas for future generations.”
Another element in the report that Mr. Cooper found particularly alarming is the increase in discouraged workers increasing by 6.9 per cent.
He calls on the government to inspire confidence in the Bahamian people by suggesting to create more opportunities for family islanders.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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