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Davis Calls Curfew ‘Knee Jerk’ Reaction

Opposition Leader Philip Davis said Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis’ call for a curfew in Abaco seems like a “knee jerk reaction” and his sudden concern for the island’s security demonstrates that he is once again “late to the table.” “For weeks since the storm passed, the PLP has warned the prime minister about the […]

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Knight Quizzes Ash Over ‘Shingles’

Lead defense attorney Keith Knight, QC, suggested to key witness Jonathan Ash that he was not telling the truth when he testified on Wednesday that when former Cabinet Minister Shane Gibson asked “if there are any shingles today,” he was referring to money. Referencing a WhatsApp message where Gibson asked if there were “any shingles […]

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PM Explains Hurricane Funds

Prime Minister Dr. Hubert Minnis announced in the House of Assembly yesterday that the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) received $5 million in relief funds from various international communities in the aftermath of Hurricane Dorian. Dr. Minnis, speaking for the first time in Parliament following Hurricane Dorian, updated legislators to what has been collected and […]

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Four Survive Crooked Island Plane Crash

A plane with four passengers onboard crashed on Tuesday at Pitts Town Airport in Crooked Island. According to police, shortly after 3 p.m., a PA32 Cherokee 6 aircraft, registration N38677, left Deadman’s Cay, Long Island enroute to Pitts Town Airport, with four passengers onboard.  Police added that as the aircraft began its final approach to […]

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Five More GB Residents Missing

While 424 persons remain missing following Hurricane Dorian, police in Grand Bahama are searching for five missing persons who haven’t been located since the storm. The missing persons are from Emmanuel Way, High Rock, Grand Bahama.  Among the missing is 29-year-old Donlock Donny Munnings Jr.   Police said Munnings stands between five feet, seven inches […]

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House Speaker Rejects Opposition’s Request

The opposition had hoped to have an open and frank discussion on Hurricane Dorian in the House of Assembly yesterday, however that did not happen, as House Speaker Halson Moultrie rejected the request. Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Leader Philip Davis, outlined in a letter, prior to House of Assembly resuming yesterday after its summer break, […]

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Gov’t to Ban Cell Phone Use While Driving

Minister of Transport Renward Wells announced in the House of Assembly on Wednesday new amendments to the Road Traffic Regulations, which includes the prohibition of hand-held communication devices, like cell phones, while driving. Wells said the changes will “require a driver to pay outstanding fines for traffic offences before he is permitted to renew his […]

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Men Found with Marijuana Charged

Two men stood before the Magistrate’s Court on Wednesday for two drug related charges. Magistrate Andrew Forbes arraigned 47-year-old Demetrius Woodside and 25-year-old Dominic Woodside for conspiracy to possess dangerous drugs with intent to supply and possession of dangerous drugs with intent to supply.  It is alleged that the men conspired to possess a quantity of […]

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Ash: ‘I Paid PLP MPs’

Leading up to the 2017 General Election, former Cabinet Minister Shane Gibson suggested, through a WhatsApp conversation with key prosecution witness Jonathan Ash, that he needed between $50,000 to $100,000 for several Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Members of Parliament. Ash told the court yesterday that during the WhatsApp conversation, which occurred on March 28, he […]

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Credit Rating Worries Gov’t

Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest said he is concerned about the country’s credit rating following the massive devastation Hurricane Dorian left in Abaco and Grand Bahama. “Obviously, in any circumstances like this where you’re losing a significant portion of your GDP, there is concern,” Turnquest told reporters yesterday, before attending his […]

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