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Post Office Workers Strike

Shouting “they have the gold we have the mold,” employees of the general post office took to the streets yesterday to protest the working conditions they say are hazardous to their health. Rat infestation, heat from a broken air-condition and alleged rashes from handling mail are just a few of the problems the workers were […]

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Works Minister Apologizes For Audit

Minister of Public Works, Desmond Bannister  made a public apology to Leader of the Opposition, Philip Davis after his reputation and integrity came under attack after a leaked copy of  Ernst and Young’s  audited report of Bahamas Power and Light (BPL) became public. Mr.Bannister in a communication in the House of Assembly yesterday  said, “I […]

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Former Central Bank Governor Not Optimistic About Economy

Former Central Bank Governor Julian Francis has painted a very grim picture of the country’s economy saying he is not optimistic for it’s growth in the near future. He made the comments while appearing as a guest on a JCN Roundtable Program discussing the economic prospects of the Bahamas. Francis who served in that post […]

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Marvin Dames on Murders (2)


Amid local activists  calling for the decriminalization of marijuana, National Security Minister Marvin Dames said there are a lot of things that go into the mix  that often times people don’t think of when considering the decriminalization of marijuana. Mr. Dames said he often hears that because the U.S. or other countries did something, that […]

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Mitchell Calls For DPM’s Apology

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Chairman, Fred Mitchell is calling on the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Peter Turnquest to publicly apologize for misleading the Bahamian people  regarding the $42 million Hurricane Relief funds that Mr. Turnquest said the Free National Movement (FNM) administration could not trace. “He [Mr. Turnquest] needs to apologize to […]

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Emera seeks to attain shares of ICD Utilities Limited

Outspoken Queens Counsel,  Fred Smith, is  questioning  Emera International’s endeavour to attain all remaining shares of ICD Utilities (ICDU) Limited. “What is it to stop Emera International in five or ten years redeeming the depository receipts from the Bahamian shareholders, just like Grand Bahama (GB) Power is right now redeeming $15 million of the $35 […]

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BUT President concerned about viral video

Education officials say they are awaiting the findings of an internal investigation to determine what future course of action should be taken in relation to a video that made the rounds on social media Wednesday. The video showed what appeared to be students dancing inappropriately in the courtyard of a public school campus. Many on […]

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Three males charged with serious offenses

Yesterday in the Magistrate’s Courts three males were arraigned for murder, possession of unlicensed firearms and ammunition and conspiracy to commit murder respectively.   First, a 20 year old male was formally charged for the murder of 15 year old Anthony Wellington Francis Smith.   It is alleged that Mark Rolle intentionally caused the death of Smith […]

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Senator Sweeting Says PLP Will Emerge Stronger

Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) Senator Clay Sweeting says a ‘New Perspective and the day of reckoning’ has come for the party and that only from learning three lessons that contributed to the downfall of the party at the May 10th General Election will the party see change. Addressing the delegates in the 53rd annual convention […]

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Bishop Hall Calls For Government Intervention In Policies

Eight years since the CLICO debacle, Bishop Simeon Hall is calling on the government to step in to ensure that Bahamians are protected from eventualities like the one that led to CLICO flatling. With yesterday being the second tranche of payments in a series of three tranches during 2017, policyholders gathered at the CLICO head […]

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