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Gov’t To Advance National Heroes Bill- Cartwright Laid To Rest In State Funeral

Although many feel that the last surviving founder of the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) William ‘Bill’ Cartwright did not get the recognition he deserved in life, his death has prompted the Christie administration to renew its commitment to ensure that national heroes are given their rightful honours. During Cartwright’s state recognised funeral yesterday at St. […]

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William Cartwright To Be Laid To Rest Today

The country will say a final farewell to Bahamian hero William “Bill” Cartwright today in a state funeral at St. Gregory’s Anglican Church. A number of government and Opposition MPs, politicians, family and friends are expected to attend the homegoing service for the man hailed as a freedom fighter and trailblazer. A native of Long […]

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Minnis Appoints Shadow Cabinet- Some Return To Former Portfolios

Some of the men and women who once ran the country have been appointed shadow cabinet ministers, the Free National Movement (FNM) announced yesterday. Opposition Leader Dr. Hubert Minnis named a 12-member shadow cabinet, including himself, to oversee the Christie administration’s 21 cabinet ministers. A shadow cabinet is made up of senior MPs who are […]

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“Urgent” Appeal For Blood

Less than five per cent of Bahamians give blood regularly, according to a leading doctor. Head of the Critical Care Unit Dr. Michael Darville told the Bahama Journal that there is an urgent need for Bahamians to donate blood. “There is a need to increase the amount of donors in the donor pool,” he said […]

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PM: Budget Represents Solid Start

Prime Minister Perry Christie said his government’s proposed 2012/2013 budget represents a “solid start” on the promises the Progressive Liberal Party (PLP) made during the campaign trail, particularly as it relates to getting the country’s bank books in order. While delivering his contribution to the budget debate in the House of Assembly Wednesday evening, Prime […]

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Another AID Fire

Just days after marking the one-year anniversary of a massive fire that gutted the Automotive and Industrial Distributors (AID), another one of the company’s buildings also reached a fiery demise. According to reports, the building that sits in adjacent to the lot where the initial fire happened on Wulff Road, was used as a drive […]

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Photo taken by Ahvia Campbell

Former City Market Employees Demand Severance Pay

More than 300 former City Market employees are “upping the ante” against the government for the monies that they say are legally owed to them. The employees were laid off earlier this year after Bahamas Supermarkets Limited – the parent company – said the food store chain was not making any profits. On Monday, a […]

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Deficit Widens

The Central Government’s overall deficit widened over the nine months of the 2011/12 fiscal year, as the growth in expenditure outpaced revenue intake, according to the Central Bank of The Bahamas’ latest monthly report. According to the bank’s Monthly Economic and Financial Developments (MEFD) report for April, preliminary data for government’s budgetary operations over the […]

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Accused Murders On Bail Unknown

The country’s attorney general admitted yesterday that she does not know how many people are on bail for murder. Allyson Maynard-Gibson, who appeared on JCN’s “Jones & Company” show with host Wendall Jones said she could not provide accurate numbers despite being in office for over a month. “Unfortunately, no one knows the numbers,” she […]

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Men Charged With Long Island Bank Robbery

Two men accused of robbing Scotia Bank on Stella Maris, Long Island last Thursday, were arraigned in connection with the crime yesterday. Twenty-four-year-old Dion Watson and 30-year-old Hanchell Rolle – both residents of Georgetown, Exuma – faced a number of charges, including stealing, possession of a firearm, armed robbery and damages. The pair appeared before […]

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