A leading clergyman is condemning illegal and legal abortions and calling for an investigation into what he calls the “state-sanctioned” acts that are performed each day in The Bahamas.
President of Citizens for Justice Bishop Walter Hanchell said in a press statement that much secrecy has surrounded this issue.
“Abortion is the most cowardly act in the history of mankind,” he said. “It is the brutal murder of innocent babies by greedy, selfish, immoral persons with no value for the sanctity of human life. It is no different than a cold blooded murderer. As a matter of fact, it is worse, since the victims of abortion do not even have the slightest chance to defend themselves.”
The bishop said it is shocking that a nation like the United States can murder millions of infants each year in the name of pro-choice with very little opposition.
“The Bahamas is following the same trend as it relates to abortion. The judgment of God will be harsh on government officials, doctors, nurses, pregnant mothers, parents and the fathers who pay for or are involved in abominable acts of destroying life,” Bishop Hanchell said.
“Too many persons, including Christian leaders have been silent for too long and allowed this evil work of Satan to thrive and prosper to the detriment of innocent helpless infants and our families.”
He added that more babies have died at the bloody hands of abortion doctors and nurses than in all of the combined wars throughout history.
“Yet his evil practice is so prevalent and accepted around the world. Greed, selfishness and UN agencies such as the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) along with the questionable practices of Planned Parenthood will bring the judgment of God on many nations around the world if these abortions continue unfettered,” Bishop Hanchell said.
The CFJ president said that state-sanctioned and legalised abortions are “nothing less than murder and symbolise a nation in its final state of moral decay.”
“These murders are committed each day in private and public hospitals even though they are illegal, yet our politicians and the police have remained silent and tight-lipped on this crucial matter for many years,” he said.
“It is common knowledge that doctors perform abortions in their offices and clinics daily as revealed in a recent article in one of our daily newspaper. Abortions for many women, have sadly become a method of birth control. Officials are reluctant to comment on this subject for some reason and to date The Bahamas is one of the few nations around the world that has not submitted a report to the CEDAW. One must ask the question, ‘What are they trying to hide from the Bahamian people?’ Even though the Christian church has been too silent on the matter of abortions, the church does not support the slaying of innocent babies in our nation.”
The bishop says not only should the government conduct an investigation into illegal abortion but put in place punishments for those engaging in the practice.
“Citizens for Justice is calling on our authorities to do a comprehensive study on illegal abortions in The Bahamas and have this detestable practice closely monitored with severe punishment to persons involved in this nefarious trade that enriches callous doctors at the expense of babies who are sacrificed on the altar of greed and selfishness,” Bishop Hanchell said.
“The shame and guilt that plague mothers and fathers who allow their babies to be murdered, leave emotional scars on them for many years if they do not receive spiritual and psychological help. Law abiding citizens are outraged at this practice and are demanding that it ceases.”