A witness from on the other side of the world testified Thursday in a murder trial involving alleged gang leader Stephen ‘Die’ Stubbs.
Stubbs, Clinton Evans and Andrew Davis are all on trial for the March 29th, 1999 murder of Constable Jimmy Ambrose.
Dr. Pradeep Kumar appeared in the Supreme Court via a conference call from India.
At the time of the 1999 murder, the doctor was stationed at the Princess Margaret Hospital Morgue and carried out the post-mortem autopsy.
Now the doctor could not remember the details of the autopsy as it was 14 years ago but used his report, which he wrote on that day, April 1st, as a reference.
According to the doctor, when he first saw the body, there were several noticeable injuries.
The first was a wound about 1.5 centimeters in diameter on the left side of the abdomen right above the waistline.
The wound, he said, was directed downwards and inwards.
Dr. Kumar said based on the marking left by the gunshot it could mean two things; that the gunman was not very close to the victim or the possibility of the victim wearing clothes should be considered.
Additional wounds were one on the upper right side above the waistline, one present in the upper right thigh and an exit wound on the right thigh, connected to the first injury on the left side of the abdomen.
The doctor said based on the direction of the entry to the exit wound, the gun would have had to be facing a downward direction by the abdomen.
The doctor then demonstrated where another entry wound was seen on the left buttock, from which the projectile excited from the victim’s anus.
One significant finding during the autopsy was a bullet that was recovered from inside the right side of the abdominal wall.
The doctor said he then put the bullet in a plastic container, which was then given to the front office of the morgue and given to the police.
Also while inside the officer’s body, Dr. Kumar noticed several bullet holes in the small intestine and lacerations to the arterial artery, which transports blood to the lower limbs of the body.
He said that could have been caused by injury number 2, a wound above the waistline.
Shortly after the doctor concluded his testimony, the crown recalled Officer Hugh Gray, who testified two weeks ago, to the stand.
He said he was the one who collected the bullet from the morgue and took it as evidence.
Vinette Graham-Allen is the lead prosecutor, Murrio Ducille represents Stubbs, Ian Cargill represents Andrew Davis and Ramona Farquharson-Seymour represents Clinton Evans.
The trial continues before Justice Roy Jones.