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Atlanta Consul Denies Claim

Consul General to Atlanta Randy Rolle denied a claim made by the Free National Movement that he called the prime minister while in police custody following his arrest in Bimini last Friday.

According to FNM Chairman Michael Pintard in a statement issued yesterday, Rolle was released from police custody after making a phone call to Prime Minister Perry Christie, which demonstrates the systemic abuse of power within the Progressive Liberal Party.

However, Rolle responded to Pintard’s statement yesterday and he expressed that he never spoke to the prime minister while in police custody.

“At no time did I ever call or speak to the prime minister during the time of the events,” Rolle said. “The matter was resolved without recourse to any politician. I was released without charge and there the matter ended.”

According to Pintard, eyewitnesses said an altercation occurred between Rolle and local law enforcement officers in Bimini.
He explained that residents in Bimini said Rolle was travelling on a golf cart with one male and two American females and sought to enter an area that was cordoned off by police.

Pintard added that as a result of the police refusal to allow Rolle to enter the area on his golf cart, he proceeded to use obscenities against the officers while challenging the officer on the issue of whether he knew whom he was dealing with.

“Rolle did not relent even after the sergeant intervened in the matter,” Pintard said.

“As a result of his behavior and language he was arrested, handcuffed and placed into the police vehicle. At least one of the female companions repeatedly beat on the vehicle while Rolle was being taken away.”
Pintard claimed that while Rolle was in custody he was permitted to make a phone call, which was made to Prime Minister Christie.

“A short time thereafter apparently the commissioner of police called the head of the Bimini police station,” Pintard said. “As a result of that conversation, Randy Rolle was unconditionally released.”

Following this incident, Pintard wants Prime Minister Christie to explain to the public the circumstances surrounding Rolle’s arrest and his subsequent release.

Pintard expressed that the FNM believes police officers are honourable in their duties; therefore the party seeks to understand the causes of Rolle’s arrest and his subsequent release following a conversation with the prime minister.
He pointed out that this situation appears to resemble the “Alfred Gray Affair” which occurred after the Minister of Agriculture and Marine Resources V. Alfred Gray abused his ministerial power and intervened in a judicial matter.
“Residents of Bimini, hardworking police officers and the FNM wish to know the facts and ask that the report sent to the commissioner of police is made public,” Pintard said.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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