Minister of Education Jeffrey Lloyd promised the nation’s youth that their future is secured under the Free National Movement (FNM) government which has made progress in providing access to free education and employment opportunities.
During his keynote address at the FNM’s Torchbearers Youth Convention at Melia Nassau Beach Resort yesterday, Lloyd reminded young people that the government is investing $360 million in education this year.
In addition, he announced that the country is moving toward universal pre-primary education.
Lloyd explained that the government invested millions of dollars in providing free preschool education by facilitating the free enrollment of three and four-year –old students.
“We saw that students that entered school at age five with no prior education were at a disadvantage. So your visionary and caring FNM government invested millions of dollars in converting vacant rooms across the system into specially designed pre-primary facilities.
“Additionally, we engaged a number of qualified private preschool programs to assist where government facilities were not readily available in New Providence and Grand Bahama, Abaco and Andros and were able to provide free quality pre-primary education to a total of 800 students.
“In fact, before the 2012 general election, the PLP promised to double the investment in education, but that never happened! My fellow Bahamians, let’s look at the facts! According to the Central Bank of the Bahamas, in the PLP’s first fiscal year, they invested $276 million in education, compared to our $313 million. In their second fiscal year, they invested $265 million in education, compared to our $331 million. In their third fiscal year, they invested $303 million dollars in education, compared to our whopping $351 million. I’m talking about a future secured!
The minister of education also pointed out that the government promised to finance students to access tertiary education and delivered by providing $20 million in scholarships for university and college level training.
“This government, your government, in two years created a new Tertiary Educational Grant by providing students access to free university education at the University of the Bahamas and more to come next year. UB is free! UB is free!” Lloyd said.
“We demonstrated our belief in of our Family Island students by providing them a $500 accommodation voucher. When they leave their homes to travel to New Providence to study, they have the means to find affordable, suitable accommodation where they can feel safe and secure. This is how you believe in Bahamians – you invest in them.
“I’m talking about access granted for a free university education for all and not just the selected few. Granted complete access!
“Take a seat on this ride, and look over at the Bahamas Technical Vocational Institute (BTVI). In August of 2018, your FNM government spent $2.6 million to make available 1,200 scholarships to students who enrolled in BTVI full time in technical and vocational courses and now, today, thanks to a $4.1 million allocation in the 2019/2020 budget, more Bahamians will receive free education at BTVI.
“Those who meet a minimum standard, no BGCSE required, and a desire to take charge of their future can just apply and they will be on their way. I urge those who have not done so to get onboard the BTVI train for free.”
The convention continues tomorrow under theme, ‘A Future Secured, Access Granted’.