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A group of local bishops yesterday indicated that they are standing together in their fight against gun violence.


In a press  release, the group consisting of Bishops Simeon Hall, Victor Cooper, Greg Minnis, J. Carl Rahming, and Ross Davis; said that most of the senseless killings in recent times are being committed by persons illegally in possession of guns. 

Since guns are not manufactured in The Bahamas; the group suggested that those found illegally importing guns should face the “stiffest penalty of the law”. 

 They added that guns are too easily available to “criminals, gang members, and others involved in nefarious activities”. 

The group also called on National Security Minister Marvin Dames to “lead the war on guns by leading efforts to amend relevant legislation which would significantly increase the present penalty for the illegal gun possession”.

 They further encouraged concerned and responsible parents to play an active role in this war by deciding to not harbor children engaged in criminality or benefit from their criminal activities.

The group also said that efforts to drastically reduce crime “must be led by the government”, but they also urged every Bahamian citizen and resident to participate in this war. 

Written by Jones Bahamas

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