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Government applauded for halting deportations to Haiti

Rights Bahamas, a  local human rights organization, has  applauded  the Bahamas Government for temporarily halting the deportation of individuals to Haiti.

 A statement from the organization said, “ In light of the unrest and violence happening in  that country, the safety of those in our custody must always come first. Closing the Bahamas Embassy and recalling our diplomats and staff was likewise the right thing to do.

“We  hope that the Royal Bahamas Defense Force is on high alert and anticipating that vessels from Haiti carrying irregular migrants will likely be coming to our shores. Desperate people will surely seek to save their lives by escaping. The Bahamas Immigration Department is urged to do its job efficiently, but also humanely and in the spirit of decency, remembering that these unfortunate people are victims fleeing from terrible circumstances, not violent criminals or enemies of the state. As a form of deterrence, the Department should make it clear that any person who lands here without permission will have 0 chance of obtaining a work permit or residency in the Bahamas,” the statement said.

Rights Bahamas said it  does not promote or encourage human trafficking.” We simply ask that the basic rights of every human, as outlined in The Bahamas constitution, be respected by the powers that be. Everyone has a right to due process, a fair trial and fair judgement.”

 The organization  thanked  the Bahamas Government for putting safely first and above all.

Written by Jones Bahamas

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