Minister of National Security Marvin Dames is optimistic about the direction in which law enforcement is going with technology.
The Minister confirmed with reporters recently that all the technological enhancements that the government is looking into will work cohesively in the fight against crime.
“We’re moving and we understand that every piece of technology is important to the other piece and so we’re not acquiring technology in isolation of the other.
“It is hoped that at the end of the day, all of the technology that we are acquiring will work as one,” Mr. Dames said.
At the time he was speaking of the government acquiring CCTV, Drones and ShotSpotter.
“So, we have ShotSpotter, for example, so you know we will use CCTV to work along with ShotSpotter and we’ll use CCTV and ShotSpotter to work along with the drones.
“As I continue to say that our approach here is multi-agency and so as we acquire technologies we will be using this technology to span the agencies,” Mr. Dames said.
Mr. Dames added that the use of technology will also be used collectively with law enforcement agencies
“So, as you look at the Drones program, for example, it’s a multi-agency program. It’s the Police, it’s Defence Force, it’s Customs, it’s Immigration, it’s Corrections and so, we will use this technology to make all of our law enforcement agencies work easier. That’s the objective,” Mr. Dames said.
Mr. Dames added that within three to four months, officers will be equipped with body camera as the Request For Proposal (RFP) has been completed.
“We would have completed our RFP in respect to the bodycam so, that should be going to Cabinet within the next week or two and so hopefully we will get the green light from Cabinet to put it out.
“So, we’re looking [at] certainly before the end of the first quarter in 2019, we should have a good idea as to who would be providing us with bodycam services.
“You should see police officers wearing them, hopefully I would say, in the next maybe three or four months,” Mr. Dames said.
Mr. Dames also confirmed that the CCTV program also has RFP that was approved by Cabinet one month ago.